Educational cooperation between Norway and Estonia

The call for proposals for exchange of students or staff in higher education and research institutions between Norway and Estonia is extended to 11 November.


The Grants funded scholarship programme in Estonia aims to enhance higher education student and staff mobility, and to increase institutional cooperation between institutions on the upper secondary level of education and within vocational training between Estonia and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as well as to contribute to the development of the quality of education in Estonia.

Through the EEA and Norway Grants the Estonian scholarship programme is supported with €1.6 million.

Cooperation with Norway
The extended call for proposals is for exchange of staff and students to promote cooperation between higher education institutions, the labour market and research organisation in Estonia and Norway.  Eligible activities include student exchange for studies or placements and staff exchange for teach or training.

Proposals can be submitted by Estonian institutions only. Institutions from Norway can participate in the programme as project partners.

The co-ordinating institution of the scholarship programme in Estonia is the Archimedes Foundation which provides the information service for the applicants, advising in the project writing phase and supervising the implementation of the approved projects. The national contact points in Norway is the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU).