The overall goal of the Estonian programme for integrated marine and inland water management is to support the achievement of good environmental status in Estonia’s marine in inland water. Out of a total allocation of approximately €21.2 million, €2.1 million has been set aside for this. The funding is allocated through two separate calls for proposals.
What activities are supported?
The first call supports the following:
- Studies on seabed and nature protection activities (including inventories and enhancement of databases
For the second call, the following is supported:
- Development of the methods for ecosystem services, restoration of habitats
Who can apply for funding?
The entities eligible for funding are the same for both of the calls and are the following:
- Associations and foundations (including NGOs)
- State authorities
- Local authorities
- Research organisations
When is the application deadline?
Applications must be submitted by 5pm (GMT+3) November 4 2013.
The Norwegian Environment Agency is a donor programme partner for this programme.
Further information as well as the call documents can be found here