Call for proposals: Civil society in Cyprus

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Cyprus can now apply for funding from the NGO fund. Democracy, human rights, anti-discrimination, good governance and transparency are among the main areas in focus.

NGO seminar in Cyprus 2010. Photo: Sigve Soldal Bjorstad/FMO

In Cyprus the civil society’s impact on governance and society is assessed to be rather weak. The engagement of the general public in civil society is most common through organisations such as trade unions and professional organisations, whereas advocacy groups promoting broad public interests such as environment, health, gender equality and education are weaker since organisations active in these fields are generally new. Furthermore, there is a need to professionalise the sector and strengthen its role. This is particularly important because funding to many NGOs have decreased as a result of the financial crises. To help address some of these challenges, the Cypriote NGO fund sets aside €1.3 million to civil society.

A minimum 30% of the funding is made available for bi-communal projects that would benefit both the Turkish Cypriot and the Greek Cypriot community , with a view to encouraging bicommunal contacts. A minimum of 10% of the funding is made available for children and youth driven organisations and/or activities targeting children and youth.

Read more about the NGO programme in Cyprus here.

Who can apply for funding?  

Eligible applicants are NGOs established as a legal entity in the Republic of Cyprus. NGOs operating in the areas not under the control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus are eligible as partners. Religious institutions and political parties are not considered NGOs. End-beneficiaries of projects are wider groups in society ranging from the general public to civil servants, disadvantaged groups and media. Bi-communal cooperation is promoted. Children and youth are also targeted. There will be two open calls.

What activities are supported?
The following areas are eligible for support:

  • Democracy and participatory democracy
  • Human rights, including minority rights (ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual orientation)
  • Good governance and transparency
  • Combat racism and xenophobia and promoting anti-discrimination
  • Social inequalities, poverty and exclusion, including in rural areas
  • Gender equality and combating gender-based violence
  • Provision of welfare and basic services
    • Provision of key services to vulnerable groups: children and youth at risk, people affected by HIV/AIDS, children with disabilities and/or mental disorders and their families, victims of trafficking and gender-based violence and/or domestic violence, where such services are not otherwise or not adequately provided by governmental institutions.
  • Protection of the environment and climate change
    • Awareness-raising and civic participation
    • Develop umbrella organisations and/or new networks on biodiversity/climate change
    • Mobilising local involvement to protect biodiversity
    • Environmental educational activities and training for teachers

The programme is operated by PriceWaterHouseCoopers ltd. Cyprus. For the full information about the call for proposals, go to the website of the programme:

When is the application deadline?

All applicants must be received by the programme operator by the 16.00 (GMT+3), 30 October 30 2013.

Read more about the EEA Grants support for civil society.