Spain is one of the European leaders in gender equality policies, with legislation to combat gender-based violence and to uphold principles of gender equality in private and public life. Despite this, gender gaps remain both in the private sphere and in the labour market.
The gender gap in Spain is 16%. Women are overrepresented in lower-paying sectors of the economy, and underrepresented on company boards and in other decision-making positions. Women from ethnic minorities face additional obstacles and discrimination in the labour market.
Mutual learning important
On 12 June the EEA Grants' gender equality programme in Spain was launched by Norwegian State Secretary Gry Larsen. Mutual learning is an important part of the programme.
The programme consists of five pre-defined projects, three calls for proposals and two small grants schemes, and will result in the following:
•Mentoring, training and coaching for female entrepreneurs to increase the proportion of women on the boards of companies listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange from 10% to 20%
•Awareness raising and training to create a pool of women for future management boards to reach the target of 40% women in leadership positions
•Awareness raising campaigns addressing the gender pay gap
•Activities to ensure labour market integration for women from vulnerable groups, including Roma. Among other things, the 150 women from vulnerable groups receive job training courses.
•Exchange of successful national policies and good practices on gender-based violence in Spain and Norway
Continued cooperation
The programme is implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (LDO) as donor programme partner, and has significant potential for continued collaboration between Spain and the donor states.
Mutual learning and experience sharing is a central element of the programme. In addition, the programme supports the continuation of a cooperation project on work-life balance between the Spanish Women’s Institute and the Norwegian Association of Regional and Local Authorities.
The total allocation for Spain for 2009-2014 is €45.85 million. The programme on gender equality is worth more than €10 million.
In addition to gender equality priorities in Spain are: increasing environmental research and development of eco-friendly technologies and promoting educational mobility.
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