First call for projects under Romanian NGO fund

Provision of welfare services, combating social exclusion, democracy, sustainable development and NGO capacity building are the five areas of support.


Amounting to € 30 million, the programme for non-governmental organisations in Romania is now the most important source of funding for the NGO sector in the country.

The programme support projects in five priority areas:

  • Active citizenship and participation in community life, respect and practice of fundamental democratic values.
  • Combating social exclusion and reducing disparities, poverty and exclusion of marginalised groups, such as the Roma population.
  • Sustainable development and the improvement of the environment  
  • Increase access to and provision of welfare and basic services to vulnerable groups, including children and youth at risk, Roma population, disabled and victims of domestic violence.
  • Support the overall development of the NGO sector in Romania  

At least 10% of the programme allocation will target children and youth, 20% will support provision of welfare and basic services and at least 10% will target the Roma population. Hate speech, extremism, hate crime, racism, xenophobia and homophobia will also be addressed.

Read more about the NGO programme in Romania here.

Calls for project propsals
Calls for project under several of the areas are now open and more will open in the coming days and weeks. Please be aware calls for applications under each area will be announced at different times and with different deadlines.
Applicants will have two months to develop their applications, except for under the area of  combating social exclusion where applicants will have 30 days for submitting the letter of intent and, in case they are shortlisted, a 45 days-period will be allowed for developing their full application.

The fund operator is the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) in partnership with the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation (REPF) and the Resource Centre for Roma Communities (RCRC). The fund operator is the primary source of information about the calls and any specific information and more details on the application procedure, guidelines and deadlines are available on their website.

  • Find all necessary information about the calls under the NGO fund in Romania here.

Partnership opportunities
Strengthening bilateral relations is one of the two major objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants. And strengthening relations between Romanian NGOs and NGOs in the donor states – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway -  is one of the overarching objectives of the NGO programme.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has a particular responsibility for this work as a co-ordinator for information about the NGO programmes towards the Norwegian civil society. You can read more about the role of the Committee here. They have also established a NGO partnership portal to facilitate partnerships between NGOs in Norway and the beneficiary countries. More information on