Europe is facing rising unemployment rates. Recent figures show that 26.3 million Europeans are out of work –10.2 million more than when the global financial crisis started in 2008. Young people are among the hardest hit. This is the backdrop when government, work and employer representatives from 51 European and Central Asian countries 8-11 April are gathered in Oslo for the 9th European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The theme at the meeting is jobs, growth and social justice in the context of the continuing financial, economic and social crisis.
ILO’s decent work agenda is strongly supported by the Norwegian Government, which has developed its own decent work strategy. Decent work is also one of the priorities of Norway Grants.
New brochure about fund for decent work
In connection with the ILO meeting in Oslo, Innovation Norway, the programme operator of the Global Fund for Decent Work and Tripartite dialogue, has set up a stand where they inform about the Grants and the fund for decent work. Innovation Norway has also produced a new brochure about the fund that you can find here.
Projects approved
The fund was the first programme to be launched under the current funding period. Fifty-two projects stimulating decent work and tripartite cooperation between employer’s organisations, trade unions and public authorities in 12 beneficiary countries have been approved. By improving their dialogue, the social partners in each country will better contribute to a more sustainable economic and social development. Read more about the fund here.
Decent work includes, but is not limited to, equal access to employment without discrimination, receiving a living wage, being ensured social protection in cases such as illness or pregnancy and being allowed to organise for collective interest representation through trade unions.