Under the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014, €12.5 million have been allocated to the programme operated by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic. The open call will provide nearly €11 million in grants to projects in Slovakia.
A launch conference for the programme is scheduled for 12 April 2013 and will be held at Hotel Bôrik in Bratislava. The event will include a matchmaking seminar to promote bilateral partnerships with Donor States entities.
Norwegian partners involved
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration and the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning are the donor programme partners in this programme.
Partnerships between Slovak and donor state entities are actively encouraged by the Grants. The programme operator and the donor programme partners play an important role in facilitating networking and cooperation between project partners, with the latter two organisations acting as a contact point for donor state entities wishing to operate in Slovakia and participate as partners in projects funded through the programme. A small grant scheme will also be set up under the programme. To facilitate partnerships, there is a possibility to apply for grants to finance the search and establishment of partnerships between Slovak and donor states entities. These activities can be funded under the programme’s bilateral fund.
Supporting adaptation to climate change
The first component of the open call will allow to distribute €6.9 million between projects supporting adaptation to climate change in the regions of Zemplin and Upper Nitra.
The aim is to find economically efficient and environmentally sustainable adaptation solutions which will allow to increase the retention of water in landscape, ideally in the upper parts of the river basin, as well as help restore the small water cycle and protect the downstream areas from flooding. The programme will also support green job creation and innovation.
Eligible applicants are local administrations (towns and communities) and relevant state agencies managing the rivers and river basins.
Find out more about how to apply here.
Healthy Cities
This component will distribute €4 million between projects aiming to find economically efficient and environmentally sustainable adaptation measures to climate change risks through a variety of measures. The minimum grant amount is €1 million.
Eligible applicants are cities or city districts with more than 20,000 inhabitants and a municipal area of at least 300 hectares.
Find out more about how to apply here.