The project intends the development of local initiatives in two Romanian Regions of Development – North-East and North West Regions – that are placed on two main coordinates: a. The improvement of methods and work instruments for the persons belonging to vulnerable groups – 560 parents / tutors and 660 children and youth belonging to families in risk of social exclusion, including Rroma persons; and b. the development of new components for 112 representatives and experts from the public administration and the NGOs, along with specialists from the social services from 28 isolates / marginalised communities, with an application on the Local Groups Non-formal Parental Education to be established by the certified training of the specialists involved who are from the selected communities. These two types of initiatives hold on agreements and non-formal partnerships between the parties who are interested in the improvement of the situation of vulnerable, isolated and disadvantaged groups.
Summary of project results
In the counties of Suceava, Iași, Maramureș and Bistrița there are significant numbers of children and youth in various vulnerable situations: at risk of school abandonment, from families affected by poverty, with one or both parents having migrated abroad for work etc. The available services are under-resourced, especially in the rural areas. The project aimed to promote the social inclusion of children and youth at risk by the means of Local Groups of Non-formal Parental Education. Based on a new methodology developed and tested in the project, 35 Local Groups of Non-formal Parental Education have been set up in communities at high risk of social exclusion, including with Roma population, from Suceava, Iași, Maramureș and Bistrița Năsăud counties, structures that included representatives of local authorities and specialists in social services. In this framework, information and counselling has been provided to 625 parents, on topics such as parental education, social medicine and special psycho-pedagogy. 319 children at risk, out of which 70 Roma, have benefitted from remedial education programmes, afterschool, Sunday school (including serving lunch) and summer schools. A total of 354 persons – representatives of local authorities and NGOs, specialists from community services have benefitted from information, training and awareness activities on parental education, equal opportunities, gendre equality, promoting diversity etc. The project contributed to the consolidation of children and youth at risk support networks and improved competences on parental education of parents themselves as well as of specialists from community services.
Summary of bilateral results