Ambassador excursion in Slovenia

On 21 October, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ljubljana organised an informational excursion on the EEA and Norway Grants for Slovenia-based ambassadors from the Western Balkans and the 27 EU member states.


Learning about the EEA and Norway Grants was the order of the day when ambassadors from the EU27 and the Western Balkans went on a study trip to Radovljica in the Gorenjska region.

The excursion was organised by the Norwegian embassy in Ljubljana, and carried out in cooperation with the Swedish EU Presidency and the Republic of Slovenia's Government Office for Development and European Affairs (GODEA), represented by State Secretary Andreja Jerina.

As part of the program, the ambassadors visited the Radovljica Manor, one of the buildings renovated as part of the Lively Old Town project; a comprehensive urban renewal initiative carried out by the Gorenjska Region's Regional Development Agency BSC, the Association of Historical Cities of Slovenia and 5 Slovenian municipalities. The project is carried out in cooperation with Hedmark County in Norway.