Scholarships available in Slovenia

Half a million euro was made available today for Slovenian students, university staff and researchers for studies or work stays in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The €1.4 million scholarship fund in Slovenia launched its second open call on 2 October. Slovenian students, staff, researchers and experts wishing to study or work at a higher education institution in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway may submit their applications until 10 December 2009 to the fund intermediary, the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes.

The following activities are eligible for grants:

– Individual mobility

Student mobility for studies
Student mobility for work placements
Staff mobility for teaching assignments
Staff mobility for training
Staff mobility for research
Preparatory visits

– Study visits

– Expert exchange

70% of the total grant amount is earmarked for individual mobility, 15% is earmarked for study visits, and 15% is earmarked for expert exchange.

More information about the application process and the Slovenian scholarship fund is available in the open call text and at the website of the fund intermediary.