Non-discrimination means equal rights!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for Public Policy
Project Number:
Target groups
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 105,871
The project is carried out in:


In Romania, although the importance of equal access of all citizens to basic services is formally recognized, the public health system does not have proactive measures tailored to the needs of vulnerable groups. The main objective of the project is to contribute to combating discrimination and improve Roma children's lives in 4 communities with large Roma populations (Cojasca and Valea Seaca in Bacau county, Bolintin Vale and Varati from Giurgiu) through developing and promoting an early intervention integrated model for preventing the risk of illness in children. The project envisages training a multidisciplinary team of experts who will promote information regarding healthy lifestyles through preventing transmissible diseases (with a focus on immunization) and conducting an awareness campaign on the importance of prevention and risks for children in case parents deny their access to healthcare. 454 people (408 Roma) will be involved in the activities of the project.

Summary of project results

The project was based on the provision of the EC Directive no 2000/43/CE that anti-discrimination approaches on ethnicity must tackle the needs of vulnerable groups regarding health services. Roma people in Romania face health problems more than the majoritary population. Roma child mortality rate is 4 times higher than the national average, approx 40% of them suffer from severe malnutrition, while 50% of them have never been vaccined. Given the current organisation of the national health system, responsibilities on raising awareness of population regarding health issues are very fragmented between various stakeholders. The project aimed to contribute to fighting discrimination and improve the situation of Roma children from selected communities in Giurgiu and Bacau Counties. A diagnosis on exclusion of Roma based on lack of access to health services/information. An early intervention model for preventing child sickness risks has been developed and piloted among central authorities in charge with monitoring the National Imunization Plan (National Institute of Public Health) and competent authorities from counties of Giurgiu and Bacau. Multidisciplinary teams of specialists have been set up and promoted information on a healthy lifestyle by prevention of transmisible disease (with emphasis on imunization) among 454 parents, in the benefit of 294 children and 400 youth, all Roma. A number of 51 specialists and 83 representatives of local authorities, out of which 81 from areas with significant Roma population, have acquired knowledge on preventing sickness risk among children. An awareness campaign on health rights and importance of preventing child sickness risks has been carried out. The project impacted also on health policy level, by signing memorandums in the two pilot counties regarding the institutionalization of the early intervention model, developed by the project, and by promotion of measures of adjusting the National Health Programs. The model has been distributed among all competent county authorities in Romania. The project contributed to raising public awareness of public authorities and parents regarding the importance of early intervention in promoting a healthy life and consolidation of multidisciplinary intervention networks that will involve in promoting health education among vulnerable groups.

Summary of bilateral results