Support to civil society is one of the key priorities for the EEA and Norway Grants. The NGO Funds in the past have proved themselves to be an invaluable source of support for civil society. Building on this success, the EEA and Norway Grants have made an even stronger commitment to NGOs in the 2009-14 programming period.
Strengthened commitment to civil society
As well as making funding available through a wide range of programme areas where NGOs are eligible applicants, a dedicated NGO Fund is to be set up in each beneficiary country. A minimum of 10% of the EEA Grants must be set aside for the new NGO Funds – the only programme area which is mandatory.
This Guideline has been shaped by findings from the Evaluation of the NGO Funds 2004-2009 as well as responses to the online NGO consultation on the future funding period. It complements the Regulation on the EEA and Norway Grants and provides more detailed guidance on issues related to establishing and implementing NGO Funds programmes, reporting and evaluation, financial management and partnership arrangements.
Photo credit: ECORYS Polska