More and more children are abused by their parents, according to statistics. The project aims to develop common mechanisms and tools for the prevention, control and intervention regarding reported cases of abused children in Mures County. Its implementation will have the following results: the development of an inter-institutional network for prevention, intervention and combating abusive behaviour against children; increased efficiency of intervention in reported cases by establishing a specialized service for this activity, by acquiring specific equipment, by developing inter-institutional common procedures for intervention, procedures that will be compiled into two methodological guides that will be disseminated; raising awareness of the population regarding the abuse and its referral methods by carrying out information sessions and intense promotion of phone numbers (Child Helpline) that can be used to report a risk situation. The total number of beneficiaries will be 200 (out of which, 5 will be Roma).
Summary of project results
The Project aimed to develop in Mures County common mechanisms and tools, in order that all the actors involved in the field of prevention, control and interventions regarding reported cases of abused children have the necessary resources for their activities. After implementation, its primary objective was achieved: a network to prevent, combat and intervene in child abuse cases was created by establishing an intersectoral team consisting of representatives of local authorities and non-governmental associations operating in the field of child protection, who continue to meet to discuss specific cases and legislative changes. Also, in GDSACP Mures was developed the “Child Line and Mobile Team”, a service that has attributions to prevent, combat and intervention in cases of child abuse, neglect or exploitation. An intersectoral team was established consisting of representatives of local authorities and non-governmental associations operating in the field of child protection which met monthly. Child Helpline 0800 800 8836 was activated, a free service for the population for reporting cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation of children. Two methodological guides were drafted – one for a joint intervention involving child abuse events as well a guide for communication with children in danger of abuse ( illiterate children , children having mental infirmities or sensorial affections – being deaf, mute, blind and so on) which were disseminated to specialists. Campaigns of information and awareness on the topic of abuse have been held in six localities from Mures County selected due to the high incidence of cases of abuse from them. Child Helpline specialists took incoming phone calls on a daily basis, offering advice and, depending on the severity of the case presented, go to specified location to take appropriate measures. In the implementation period, a total of 509 cases of abuse, neglect or child exploitation were seized through Child Helpline. In the implementation period 101 children were counseled, 82 parents received parental counseling, the two methodological guide elaborated were disseminated to 247 specialists, more than 1000 persons: children, students, parents, teachers participated in the six campaigns of information and awareness on the topic of abuse have held.
Summary of bilateral results