Under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, each and every child has the right to good health. Children have the right to access what they need in order to stay healthy, while living in an environment which is not harmful for their health. Health and childcare is also a central priority sector for the EEA and Norway Grants. From upgrading foster homes and centres for disabled children to cancer prevention and fighting communicable diseases - the EEA and Norway Grants contribute with over €100 million to health and childcare projects across Europe. The projects within this sector have a wide outreach, and thousands of people are set to benefit from the funded activities.
Health and childcare in Poland
Poland is by large the principal recipient of health and childcare support, with over 60 approved projects within this priority sector. Poland has chosen to channel much of its support towards the building and renovation of sports- and playgrounds for children and young people. Many of these projects also provide training and education on the subjects of nutrition and healthy living. Cancer related projects are another central priority area in Poland, where around €5 million has been set aside to improve cancer detection and treatment.
Cancer focus in Lithuania
More than one quarter of the total health and childcare support in Lithuania is channeled towards cancer projects, a country with one of the highest cancer rates in the European Union. With support from the EEA and Norway Grants, cancer wards are installing new equipment to improve detection, while a number of information campaigns are underway to encourage regular check-ups.
Another central priority within the health and childcare sector is the upgrading of foster homes, a significant area of support in the Baltic countries. One of the projects receiving support from the EEA and Norway Grants takes place at the Lithuanian orphanage Lopselis. Thanks to grant support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, the child development clinic have been able to strengthen its capacity to make it possible for disabled children to be cared for at home. You can read more about this project here.
To find out more about the EEA and Norway Grants` health and childcare efforts, see the environment and sustainable development fact sheet.