The succesful contractors will be expected to provide the Financial Mechanism Office with services related to evaluation and reviews of projects supported by EEA Grants and Norway Grants in the priority sectors for environment, sustainable development, cultural heritage, human resources, health and childcare, Schengen acquis, regional policy and cross-border activities, acquis communautaire and academic research in the 15 beneficiary states.
A number of evaluations are planned for the 3 year period. An evaluation is here defined as a systematic and objective assessment of on-going and completed projects and funds/programmes, their design, implementation and results.
Reviews will also be carried out by the contractors. A review is here defined as an assessment of the performance and results of projects and funds/programmes. Less strict criteria and methodologies apply for reviews.
Further details are presented in the tender documentation. Interested bidders may request the tender documentation from Malene Christiansen, Project Coordination Assistant at the FMO.
A tender for evaluation and review services for the FMO covering the EEA and Norway Grants was published on Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) on 20 January.