Estonia NGO fund awards grants to 28 projects

The EEA and Norway Grants supported NGO fund in Estonia concludes third application round and awards €400,000 in grants to 28 projects.

The supported projects include an initiative to strengthen e-participation on local level, a training program for trade unions, and an interactive portal for nature observers. Grants have also been awarded to support the Estonian HIV-positive community youth work in South-East Estonia, and increase citizen involvement on Estonian islands. Descriptions of all supported projects

"The NGO Fund does not give out operational grants or finance one-time events. Projects that have been supported have the capacity to have an impact on Estonian society, communities or practices that support citizen engagement," NGO Fund coordinator Maris Jõgeva said.
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway support the Estonian NGO Fund with €2.1 million, with the Estonian government providing the remaining ten percent of the fund. The three year long program will provide grants to Estonian NGOs and social partners within the focus areas of democracy and civil society, environment and sustainable development, and social integration and local development. A total of six calls will be held under the fund, of which three have been concluded. The fourth open call opened a week ago.
The NGO fund in Estonia is managed by Open Estonia Foundation.