Cross-border programme in Poland launches 415,000 call for proposals

Polish non-profit organisations can now apply for grants to implement partnership projects with entities in the EEA EFTA states, Baltic Sea countries, and countries neighbouring Poland to the east.

The overarching aim of the €1.3 million fund is to stimulate the capacity for cross-border cooperation of public Polish entities on regional and local levels. Project proposals can be submitted to fund manager The East European Democratic Centre until 10 February 2009.

A total €80,000 will be awarded to projects carried out in bilateral partnerships with one partner from the EEA EFTA states (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) or the Baltic Sea area countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Germany).

The major bulk of funding in this call, €335,000, will be awarded to projects carried out in multilateral partnerships with at least two foreign partners, including Ukraine, Belarus, the Russian Federation- Kaliningrad District.

The co-financing requirement has been set at 10%.

For further information, see the open call text and the programme`s web page.

Cross-border activities under the EEA and Norway Grants

Cross-border activities are included in a small, but important, group of funds and projects financed by the EEA and Norway Grants. By promoting knowledge transfer between regions, as well as networking and sharing of experience on local development, these activities make an important contribution both towards reducing economic and social disparities, as well as towards strengthening cohesion in Europe.

A majority of the cross-border projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants involve local or regional public bodies and NGOs, many of them supporting efforts to strengthen capacity and good governance in local government. Several projects also include collaboration across multiple borders.