CLIMATE. Conflict management in schools

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bucharest University
Project Number:
Target groups
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 151,889
The project is carried out in:


This project aims to develop a strategy for diminishing the level of conflictuality in Romanian schools, by initiating a national mediation system. The course of the project includes: a national study regarding the phenomenology, causes and prevalence of conflictuality and violence in Romanian schools (primary schools, gymnasiums, high-schools and vocational schools), with qualitative and quantitative methods, study of documents and a final report; consulting the specialists involved in controlling the conflictuality - counselors, mediators, educational experts, roma experts, social workers - in order to elaborate a pilot startegy for mediation, to be presented in work sessions with decisional factors; identification of schools for implementation of the pilot program; implementing the pilot; correction of the strategy based on new data from the pilot; proposing a national policy for reducing the violent behavior in schools by mediation and of appropriate methodologies for implementing

Summary of project results

Violence in schools is a major social problem present in Romanian schools. According to a 2006 study carried out by the Education Sciences Institute, violence is an issue in 75% of schools, while in 2012 there were over 14.000 violence incidents of various types: phisical violence, theft, verbal violence, threats, sexual related violence. Studies and also practices in Northern Europe cuntries proved that development of mediation skills of pupils contributes to changing a violent environment into a non-violent one. The project aimed to increase the conflict management capacity of schools in order to improve the climate, reduce inequalities and combat discrimination. A multi-region study on the state of conflict situations in schools has been carried out, collecting information from pupils, teachers, parents from București, Iași, Timișoara, Baia Mare, Dâmbovița. Consequently, a conflict management integrated strategy has been developed and tested in schools. In this regard, 7 mediation centres have been set up and equipped by the project in schools from Bucharest and Dâmbovița County. A training course in development of peer-mediation skills among pupils has been developed and received authorisation by the Ministry of Education, following which 21 teachers have been trained. These teachers have subsequently trained a total of 92 pupils in 8 schools. An online platform as support tool of a best practice exchange network has been developed and partnerships with 80 schools have been signed, in order to disseminate the conflict resolution management strategy developed in the project. 4 workshops with nation wide education specialists have been organised, in which they exchanged information on conflict mediation process and methods, practices at local level, exercises for solving conflicts between pupils. A total of 199 specialists in education have acquired new skills and knowledge on conflict mediation in schools, as a consequence of participation in project activities. An information campaign has been carried out in targeted communities, promoting the use of conflict mediation in schools. The project contributed to an increased capacity of schools to address conflicts and development of competencies and skills of education specialists to promote a peaceful education climate in schools.

Summary of bilateral results