The project aims to develop initiatives in 10 communities in Cluj and Bihor Counties, in order to reduce disparities between vulnerable groups and the wider community, to improve measures to combat discrimination of Roma and prevent their social and economic exclusion. The project intends to create a network for good practices and the transfer of know-how between the participating stakeholders. A baseline study will be elaborated to provide the basis for the development of new measures and instruments of intervention that could be tested with vulnerable groups in 10 locations over a period of 12 months. The findings will be integrated in a local action plan for combating social exclusion of Roma designed for each participating location. The project seeks to reduce the level of discrimination, acting both on services providers and beneficiaries.
Summary of project results
The project was based on the findings of a study carried out by the Max Weber Foundation from Cluj, regarding the condition of the Roma community, which have been confirmed by the day to day activities of the project partners. Roma families in 10 local communities from Cluj, Bihor and Mureș Counties have numerous family members (more than 3), approx 20% of them do not have the minimum living standards, half of the parents have never been employed, working only in day jobs, lack of financial resources to satisfy primary needs, lack medical insurances, low education, lack of access to public institutions. Specialists from support services often avoid to go to rural communities populated by Roma and the beneficiaries are reluctant to interact with the public institutions because of discriminatory practices. Roma children have problems to adapt in schools and as a result of this they tend to be isolated from the other children. The project aimed to develop initiatives in 16 rural and urban communities from counties of Cluj and Bihor, aiming to reduce inequalities, fight discrimination of Roma people and prevent their social and economic exclusion. 16 methodologies for provision of support services for disadvantaged groups have been developed and tested in 16 communities, out of which we mention: school support for children, psychological counselling for children and adults, literacy activities for parents, “parents’ school”, vocational mediation, entrepreneurship, social economy, cultural programmes etc. Locations for provision of services have been prepared and minimally equipped in Oradea, Săcuieni, Sânnicolau de Munte, Suatu, Mera, Cherechiu, Ciocaia, Roșiori. A number of 115 specialists involved in the provision of services have benefited from vocational training on various themes: social services management, management of educational activities, stress management etc. Members of vulnerable groups have benefited too from vocational training in various jobs. 16 social inclusion action plans have been developed for each of the project implementation locations. The project created a network of cooperation in the field of preventing social exclusion and increased the capacity of local actors to carry out intervention measures in the benefit of vulnerable groups.
Summary of bilateral results