Clarifications to the ongoing Greek call for proposals

The Greek Focal Point has issued clarifications concerning partnership projects, priority sectors and focus areas and needed attachments for applications to be submitted under the ongoing Greek €38 million call.

Greece announced an open call for proposals on 11 January 2008 making more than €38 million available for individual project applications under the EEA financial mechanism. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are contributing with €30.9 million, while Greece is covering the remaining 20 percent of the call amount.

Please note the following clarifications from the Greek Focal Point:

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Partnerships between Greek project promoters and foreign partners are welcomed under the current open call in Greece. Reference is made to article 8.A.a. bullet point 11 of the open call text which reads:

"The project promoter and any domestic partners(s) must be legally established and operate within the Greek territory. Any foreign Partner (s) must legally established and operate within the European Economic Area."

Costs incurred by foreign partners are eligible regardless of which EEA Country they are incurred in. Furthermore the Focal Point advises applicants to read carefully other relevant requirements stated in the open call text.

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In order to be eligible, the proposals must be within the eligible priority sectors. Particular attention shall be given to the focus areas listed in article 4.3 of the open call text, which does not exclude good quality projects outside the focus areas. Eligible proposals may concern one or more of the focus areas. Academic research project proposals have to be within the eligible priority sectors, without specific reference to any of the focus areas.

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The official language used during the evaluation processes carried out by the Focal Point is Greek. Therefore, the applicant, at his own expenses, must translate the relevant documents (formal documentation) into Greek before submitting them to the Focal Point.