Czech 19.4 million call for project proposals opened

On 26 November the Czech Republic launched its third and final call for individual project proposals under the EEA Grants.

Atotal €110.9 million has been allocated to the Czech Republic under theEEA Grants. The newly launched €19.4 million open call is the third ina row counting in calls in both 2005 and 2006, taking the total supportset aside for Czech individual projects to €82.9 million.

In the third open call applications can be submitted within the fields of:

Conservation of the European cultural heritage

Protection of the environment

Human resource development

Health and childcare

Promotion of sustainable development

Implementation of Schengen acquis and strengthening the judiciary

Indicatively, 35 percent of the funds has been allocated to culturalheritage projects, with large sums of funding also set aside for healthand childcare and environment at 25 and 20 percent. Applications can besubmitted to the Czech Focal Point until 29 February 2008.

Further details are available in the open call text.