Estonia launches open call for research projects

More than €480,000 was made available on 15 November to Estonian researchers under the ‘Transfer of Knowledge Fund’ to support cooperation between research teams from Estonia and Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, and fund projects within the priority sectors of the EEA Grants.

Individual researchers and research teams are eligible for support under the fund, which requires that applications are supported by their employing Estonian research institution. Applications also need to clearly indicate an existing or planned scientific cooperation with one or several research teams from Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. Further details on eligibility requirements can be found in the fund’s guidelines for applicants, available at
Grants in the range of €28,800 to €57,500 will be awarded to support research projects within the fields of:

Protection of the environment

 Sustainable development

 Conservation of European cultural heritage

 Human resource development

 Health and childcare

 Implementation of Schengen Acquis and the Judiciary

 Regional policy and cross-border activities.

Project proposals may be submitted to the fund intermediary, the Estonian Science Foundation, until 15 January 2008. Read more in the open call text.
For further information, runa search for EE0015 in the EEA Grants project database, or contact Kari Ertresvåg, Information Officer, Financial Mechanism Office, tel. no: +32 (0)2 211 1892,