Diploma award ceremony for trainers

In cooperation with the Norwegian Defence University College, 4000 Hungarian ex-soldiers will undergo a comprehensive job training programme to provide them with skills needed for reintegration into the civilian labour market. The completion of the first part of the project, training the trainers, was celebrated at a diploma award ceremony in Budapest on 11 December.


"During a three weeks course, 40 persons were trained in motivation, career-consulting and coaching. They will now apply what they have learned and help reintegrate ex-soldiers into the Hungarian work force," explains Jakob Heradstveit from the Norwegian Defence University College.

"The goal is to help reintegrating former military personnel into the Hungarian work force through training and guidance. The task of preparing ex-soldiers for the civilian labour market cannot be outsourced to foreign experts, which is why it is important to train Hungarian instructors," says Heradstveit.

"The real work begins now"
At the award ceremony, 40 trainers were presented with diplomas by Rear Admiral Louise Kathrine Dedichen (pictured above), Director of the Norwegian Defence University College. The admiral emphasised that even though the ceremony is a milestone for the project, the real work begins now. "Use what you have learned and reap the benefits of the skills in the years to come. Through your training you will help 4000 soldiers back into the workforce, but be aware that the transition to civilian life will not be easy. It demands a change of mind in the soldiers and you will help them achieve this," said Admiral Dedichen.

One of the trained trainers, Catherine Czeglédiné, pointed out that they were very thankful for the opportunity to help others and that they are all leaving with increased self-esteem. "Through the course my faith has returned, which has been difficult. Now the 40 of us will take the teaching with us as we teach others," she says.

Read more about the project (link).

Photo credits: Guri M. Smenes, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Budapest.