Festive season in reconstructed nursery school

Christmas preparations are well underway for the children at the municipal nursery school in Idrija, Slovenia.

Earlier this week the first snow fell on the playgrounds of the municipal nursery school in Idrija. The children rejoice at playing winter games and making snowmen. Thanks to €1 340 000 from the Norway Grants, the children now enjoy a reconstructed nursery school with radon free playgrounds.

The main hall has been decorated by the children and their parents, so that the nursery school is ready to welcome Saint Nicholas when he arrives with traditional gifts of dried fruit to the children.

Each December the nursery school is visited by students from the music school, who give a Christmas concert for the children and the staff. Christmas is also the time for special performances in which children and staff from pre-school and kindergarten departments play and sing for each other.

As part of the preparations for the festive season, the children sing Christmas and winter songs, and they participate in group dances. All the children have been taught how to make New Year’s greeting cards for their families, and write secret wish lists to Father Frost with details about what they want for Christmas.

Read more about the reconstruction of the municipal nursery school in Idrija.