Slovakia signs 32 mln EEA funds deal with the EEA EFTA states

Slovakia signed on 23 February 2005 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the three EEA EFTA states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway on the use of funds available through the European Economic Area Agreement (EEA).

The MoU for the EEA Financial Mechanism, established under the EEA Enlargement Agreement, will make 32.3 million euros available for projects in sectors such as environment, sustainable development, conservation of the European cultural heritage, human resources development and health and childcare.

Deputy Prime Minister Pal Csaky signed the MoU o­n behalf of Slovakia, while the Ambassador of Iceland, Mr. Kjartan Jóhannsson, the Ambassador of Liechtenstein, H.S.H. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, and the Ambassador of Norway, Mr. Bjørn T. Grydeland, signed o­n behalf of the EEA EFTA countries.