Joining forces to promote human rights

The EEA and Norway Grants have a strong focus on European values and democratic principles linked to human rights and combating discrimination in all its forms. Interested in the topic? Follow the conference ‘Reality bites: Experiences of immigrants and minorities in the EU’ on 6 December that we are jointly organising with our EU partners. 

For the coming years, the EEA and Norway Grants join forces with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the rotating EU Council Presidencies as well as other relevant partners in organising high-level events on human rights related topics, when the Presidency is held by a beneficiary state of the Grants.

The conference ‘Reality bites: Experiences of immigrants and minorities in the EU’, is organised jointly by FRA, the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Commission, the EU Council’s Secretariat General and the EEA and Norway Grants.

The conference will be held on 6 December 2017 at the EU Council (Justus Lipsius Building) in Brussels.

From policy makers to minority group members, the speakers will focus on discrimination, rights awareness, social inclusion, cohesion, etc. The panel debate will be followed by a discussion about how Europe should tackle hate crime that jeopardises the strong sense of belonging migrant and minority group feel towards the countries they now live in.

During the event, new findings from FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey will be revealed.

In 2008, FRA conducted the European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS I). The survey provided the most extensive data set to date on discrimination and victimisation faced by ethnic minorities and immigrants in the EU. The levels of racism and hatred towards minority groups shown in the survey were alarming. But has the situation changed since then?

The conference will be broadcast live on this page from 09:00 CET.

Download the full programme here.