Business cooperation with Romania

Businesses in Romania and Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway wishing to cooperate under the EEA and Norway Grants business development, innovation and SME programme in Romania can now apply for travel support. 

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Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are funding a €45 million business development programme in Romania called SMEs Growth Romania aiming to increase value creation and sustainable growth in the Romanian business sector. The programme also seek to stimulate and develop long-term business cooperation between the three donor countries and Romania.

Under the framework of the programme SMEs Growth Romania, Innovation Norway (the operator of the programme) has released a call for travel support with an available budget of € 50 000.

The objective of the travel support is to facilitate establishment of bilateral partnerships between entities in the donor countries and Romania with the intent to participate in the upcoming call(s) under the programme. Travel grants up to € 1 500 are available to businesses from Romania, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Bilateral project partnerships are encourages in all three focus areas of the programme Green Industry innovation, ICT and Blue Growth.

Click here for more information about the eligibility of applicants, size of the grant, other financing conditions as well as the application form.   

Read more about the programme