Calls for proposals: Improving the protection of the Portuguese sea

Funding is now available for projects to improve and increase the capacity in Portugal to ensure a sound environmental management and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment.


Portugal is a coastal nation with a large marine area under its jurisdiction. Keeping a good environmental standard of the marine and coastal waters is therefore of vital importance for Portugal and its economy.

Through the EEA Grants, €19.2 million is available for the ‘Integrated Coastal and Marine Management’ programme is the largest of the EEA Grants programmes in Portugal.

Partnerships with entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged. Funds are available for search for partners (see link in list below).

Four calls for project proposals are currently open under the programme: 

All relevant call information is available on the website of the Portuguese Directorate-General of Maritime Policy who is managing the programme.

Read more about the ‘Integrated Coastal and Marine Management’ programme in Portugal

Read more about the EEA Grants in Portugal