Currently available funding
There are currently no calls for proposal.
Programme Summary
Why is the programme needed? For Greece, addressing the current status of its marine and inland waters is of high importance. A large marine area, numerous islands and long coastline consequently means that a large number of the Greek population lives near the sea. Since those peoples’ economic and social well-being depends to a large extent on the utilisation of marine eco-systems, ensuring a good environmental status of these ecosystems is important. In addition to this, increased urbanisation, tourism development, expansion of irrigated areas and the dry climate means that many areas are facing severe water shortage, as well as reduced water quality resulting from discharges of pollutants and from soil erosion. The aim of the programme is to assist Greece in achieving good environmental status of its marine and inland waters. This is in line with obligations deriving from the EU Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. What will the programme achieve and who are the beneficiaries? The programme funds projects delivering results under three outcomes defined for the programme: “More Integrated management of marine and inland water resources”, “Improved monitoring of marine waters” and “Increased awareness of and education in integrated marine and inland water management”. The programme improves the management of Greek marine and inland waters, and improves the monitoring and assessment of the status of the Greek marine environment. It contributes towards the protection and maintenance of the resources that these ecosystems provide, and with it the economic and social benefits deriving from them. Additionally the programme raises awareness off and increases knowledge in relation to water resources. How will it be achieved? The programme will be focused on marine and inland water related activities, including: • At least two studies and interventions concerning the protection of water bodies; • At least four studies and interventions concerning the protection and management of coastal areas; • Water quality improvements for drinking and irrigation purposes on islands; • Marine monitoring and assessments; • Scholarships in the field of marine and inland water resource management, involving at least 22 participants; • Awareness raising through environmental education programmes in public primary and secondary schools, involving at least 4000 participants. How will bilateral relations be strengthened? Bilateral relations are supported through a fund of €200,000 which provides assistance for partner search for partnership projects and activities encouraging networking and the sharing of knowledge and best practices. The fund focuses on Greek projects that envisage the involvement of partners from Iceland, Liechtenstein and/or Norway. A fund for complementary action will also stimulate the exchange of experience and best practices among beneficiary states. What are the partnership opportunities? A call for the bilateral fund will be published during the fourth quarter of 2014. The calls for proposals are open for bilateral project partnerships. Who can apply for funding under this programme? Entities registered in Greece are eligible to apply as project applicants. The main target group includes public entities relevant for the programme, local and regional authorities, universities, research institutes, and NGOs. Project support will be in the range of €200,000 – €3,500,000.00. The programme also includes two small grants schemes that will support environmental education programmes in public schools and scholarships. The main target group for the small grants schemes includes pupils, teachers and candidates for post graduate studies. Project support within the small grant schemes will be in the range of €5,000 – €30,000.