What is supported?
The Programme, run by the Ministry of Education and Science in Latvia, consists of two components: research activity and scholarship activity. The research aspect is co-financed by the Norway Grants and scholarships will be co-financed by the EEA Grants (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
Two thematic areas are eligible:
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Health - includes aspects of health connected with pharmaceuticals, biomedicine and prevention
Projects can be inter-disciplinary within the scope of the two thematic areas.
The Programme will only finance activities that are not considered as economic activity. If the same entity carries out activities of both economic and non-economic nature, the two kinds of activities and their costs and funding should be clearly separated.
Eligible activities of non-economic character may include:
- Research, including fundamental research, industrial research or experimental development, including research activities based on social needs
- Knowledge and technology transfer activities, including: the provision of public access to research results, technology transfer (e.g. licensing) and innovation consultation services
Who can apply?
The call for projects is aimed at research organisations from Latvia and Norway. Project applications have to be submitted by consortia including at least one Latvian and one Norwegian partner.
To be eligible the Latvian institution should be registered as a research institution by the Ministry for Education and Science.
Projects that include both research and scholarship activities involving PhD, Masters and Bachelor students will be welcome and will receive extra points in the evaluation process.
Finding a partner
The Research Council of Norway is involved in the programme as a donor programme partner and can facilitate contact with Norwegian partners. They also have a partner search database.
How to apply?
Proposals must be submitted through the on-line project submission system
Read more about Latvia’s ‘Research and Scholarship Programme’