Spain is recognised as one of the leading European countries in promoting gender equality. In recent years, the country has introduced pioneering legislation to combat gender-based violence and strengthen gender equality both in the private and public spheres.
However challenges and inequalities persist. Women are under-represented on the places of the boards on major companies and over-represented in lower income jobs. The gender pay gap remains high and domestic violence a significant problem.
To address these challenges, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are providing €10 million through the EEA Grants to the Spanish gender equality programme. The programme is implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud and offers significant potential for collaboration and project partnerships between Spain and the three donor countries.
What types of activities are eligible?
The calls have been launched in the following areas:
- Activities promoting women’s entrepreneurial attitude
- Reducing pay gaps within companies
- Activities addressing women in vulnerable groups and from rural areas
Examples of activities that may be funded include:
- Mentoring and coaching for female entrepreneurs
- Awareness raising and training to create a pool for future management boards
- Awareness raising campaigns to address the gender pay gap
- Support activities to help women from vulnerable group like Roma better integrate into the labour market
- Exchange of good practice between Norway and Spain
Who can apply?
The following Spanish organisations may apply for funding:
- Universities
- Trade unions
- Trade associations
- Non-profit research centres
- Municipalities
- Non-governmental women’s organisations
Partnerships with organisations from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are encouraged.
When is the application deadline?
Read the full call text for more detailed information
Read more about the Spanish ‘Gender equality and work-life balance’ programme