Slovak Republic - Open call for Individual Project proposals

On 23 December 2005, the Slovak Republic launched an open call making over 18.5 million euros available for individual project applications under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism established by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Co-financing made available by the Slovak government brings the total amount available to over 21.8 million euro. The deadline for submission of applications is 23 March 2006.

The call, allocated to applications for individual projects, covers all of the priority sectors supported by the two financial mechanisms. This includes among others protection of the environment, human resource development, and conservation of European Cultural heritage - the largest priority sector under the current call.

Because of unforeseen difficulties in setting up state aid schemes by the relevant Slovak authorities to cover the Financial Mechanisms, commercial entities are not eligible under this call.

In total, the two financial mechanisms will make available a gross amount of 70 million euros to projects in the Slovak Republic over a five-year period until 2009.