Shoring up the Polish border

The Norway Grants provide €10 million designated to enhance Schengen cooperation and to combat cross-border and organised crime.  


Guarding the longest EU/Schengen land border towards Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, the Polish law enforcement services are faced with a wide array of challenges, including smuggling, trafficking of human beings and other types of organised crime. According to Europol, ‘the North East hub’ of Europe, to which Poland belongs, remains an area for transit of illicit commodities and a base for violent multi-criminal groups with international reach.   

To counter these challenges, the Norway Grants support activities such as the development and improvement of structures, systems and technical equipment in order to improve the implementation of the Schengen acquis. Funds are also available to the improvement of the capacity to prevent and combat cross-border and organized crime, including trafficking of human beings and itinerant criminal groups. Cooperation between the authorities and relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organisations, in assisting victims of trafficking, is also supported.    

Who can apply for funding?

Polish institutions within policing and custom services and Polish NGOs combatting trafficking of human beings are eligible to apply.  

The Council of Europe is a donor programme partner for the programme. Bilateral partnerships with Norwegian counterparts are also encouraged.

When is the application deadline?

The deadline for submitting a proposal is set to 8 January, 2014.

For more information on the first call, please visit the website of the programme operator, the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration.   

You can read more about the Schengen cooperation and combating cross-border and organised crime programme on the EEA and Norway Grants website.