The Polish Focal Point received more than 1200 applications for the €177 million available in grants in the second open call for individual project proposals. The call was open from 2 January 2007 until 16 April, and made available close to 40 per cent of the amount available for individual projects in Poland.
The draft results of the call show that the priority sector health and childcare was the most popular, with around 460 applications competing for the €17.5 million indicatively set aside for this sector. This sector was followed by projects within the field of environment, where 360 applications were submitted for the total €73.5 million available.
Over the coming months the Polish Focal Point will assess and short-list the 1200 project proposals, and send a prioritised selection to the FMO for further appraisal. In total Poland will have three calls for proposals. The first one was open August to November 2005 and generated 1400 applications, of which 179 project proposals were short-listed and submitted to the FMO for further assessment during 2006. The third open call will be launched late 2007 or early 2008 and make available €72.7 million.
The Polish Focal Point received more than 1200 applications for the €177 million available in grants in the second open call for individual project proposals. The call was open from 2 January 2007 until 16 April, and made available close to 40% of the amount available for individual projects in Poland.