Lithuania is a creative country with deep-rooted traditions and rich heritage and has more than 5300 registered cultural heritage objects. Wooden architectural heritage is a particularly important and unique part of country’s environment and cultural landscape. Through the ‘Conservation and revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage’ programme, the EEA Grants support activities aiming to conserve and protect cultural and natural heritage for future generations.
The first call for proposal under this programme is making available €9 million for restoration, renovation and protection of Lithuania’s cultural and natural heritage.
Who can apply for funding?
Eligible applicants are:
• Organisations, institutions and communities, which have their own cultural heritage buildings and sites and/or have such buildings or sites in the territory in which they administer, and;
• Organisations and institutions which operate in the sector of built cultural heritage preservation and research.
The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage is participating as a donor programme partner.
When is the application deadline?
The deadline for submitting an application is 20 December 2013.
Read more about the first call for proposal on the website of the programme operator.
You can read more about the Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage programme here.