Altogether, 16 events took place with over 60 hours of information and training for 1075 representatives of civil society organisations, local authorities and local entities. Information events in the five different cities presented the overall aims and key characteristics of the Active Citizens Fund, while a series of eleven capacity building workshops provided over 350 civil society representatives with training on how to plan and write successful applications for the programme including bilateral initiatives.
Similar workshops will be repeated in different cities at a later stage in the programme for the second and the third round of calls. The training materials have been video recorded and are available to download from the programme website.
Available funding for Greek civil society
Currently, two calls for proposals are open through Active Citizens Fund in Greece:
- Vulnerable groups empowered, with 2 904 000 € available funding and deadline for applications 21 June 2019
- Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role, with 1 970 000 € available funding and deadline for applications 21 June 2019
The call for Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives is also open. The total amount for funding under this call is €92 000 and will remain open until June 2023.
More about the Active Citizens Fund
The Active Citizens Fund 2014-2021 seeks to develop the long-term sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector, with the aim of strengthening its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human right. The Fund is available in all fifteen beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway Grants. Visit the page of the Active Citizens Fund for more information.