Reviews in the pipeline at the FMO

This autumn, the progress and results of 60 projects to save energy in Poland and 40 Czech cultural heritage projects will be assessed in two reviews commissioned by the Financial Mechanism Office.


An estimated 1300 projects will be funded under the EEA and Norway Grants. More than 700 projects are already in the implementation phase, and communicating results will be a key priority in the coming years. Evaluations and reviews commissioned by the FMO, the day to day secretariat for the EEA and Norway Grants, intend to assist donor and beneficiary states in learning from experience and document results. In order to better document the results and impact of the two grant schemes, the FMO has this far commissioned two reviews, in collaboration with the Czech and Polish Focal Points:

•u0009Support to Energy Saving in Poland
Energy saving in public buildings, the use of renewable energy sources in heating systems and modernisation of heating systems are important areas of support under the
priority sector for environment. The FMO has contracted the Norwegian company Scanteam AS to carry out a review of 60 Polish projects targeting energy saving and renewable energy promotion.

•u0009Support to Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, the majority of the supported projects are within the sector for conservation of European cultural heritage. More than €23 million has been allocated to some 40 cultural projects, including two smaller funds which will re-grant support to cultural heritage projects. The company Cross Czech a.s. have been contracted to carry out a review of the actual and expected results of the Czech cultural project portfolio.

The reports from these reviews will be available by end November 2008.