Thanks to a €730, 000 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, the Archdiocese of Poznań has been able to renovate the historical wooden churches in Brody Poznańskie, Bronikowo, Domachowo, Jeżewo and Zakrzewo. Founded as a Diocese in the year 968, the Archdiocese of Poznań has a long history, comprising as many as 360 parishes already in the 12th century.
These gems of wooden architecture are 5 of altogether 58 remaining wooden churches in the Wielkopolska region in western Poland. Before the restorations, the churches were closed to the public on days when no services were held, due to their poor structural state. Comprehensive restoration works have been carried out to ensure the safety of visitors and protect the churches from fire and structural disintegration. The interior fittings have been renovated, artworks have been restored and measures have been introduced to reduce the high levels of indoor humidity.
The wooden churches are typical examples of the regional wooden architecture from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, and contain a number of Gothic and late Gothic sculptures, magnificent altars, stained glass windows, elaborately decorated ceilings and organs. The churches have now been fully opened to the public and made available to local residents, tourists and other visitors alike.
Photo: Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage