Regional cooperation between Lithuania and Norway

The €3.5 million Regional Cooperation Fund in Lithuania supports 65 projects that contribute to transferring of experience and strengthening of cooperation among local, regional and euro-regional partners in Lithuania and Norway.


Norway is supporting the Regional Cooperation Fund with €3 million, with the Lithuanian government providing the remaining 15% of the fund.

The purpose of the fund is to support transfer of Norwegian know-how and good practices to Lithuanian local and regional level institutions and encourage exchange of experience between Lithuanian and Norwegian institutions. Through 2 open calls, grants have been awarded to 65 regional projects within the following priority areas:

  • Protection of the environment;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Preservation of European cultural heritage; and
  • Development of human resources, including support for education and training, capacity building of local authorities and their institutions, health protection and childcare.


Ahead of the launch of the regional fund, a Lithuanian-Norwegian seminar was held in Kaunas, Lithuania, to explore possibilities for developing bilateral projects ahead of the launch of the fund.

Photo: HenrikFoyn Skjerve, NMFA

In November 2007, ahead of the launch of the regional fund, a Lithuanian-Norwegian seminar was held in Kaunas, Lithuania, to explore possibilities for developing bilateral projects.

Around 90 representatives from municipalities in Norway and Lithuania used the workshop to discuss partnership projects aimed at transferring know-how and good practices between the two countries within the fields of conservation of cultural heritage, protection of the environment and social services.