Reducing social inequalities in health

Norway Grants have just launched a call for projects to improve public health and reduced health inequalities in Poland.


Poland, like many European countries, has experienced a steady increase in life expectancy and significant improvements in health over the years. Nevertheless, public health remains an area of concern, unequal income distribution, living conditions and the quality of healthcare services exacerbate inequalities in health. Areas that require particular attention are nutrition as well as alcohol and substance abuse.

Norway Grants contributes more than €15 million to address inequalities in health across different social groups and to improve access to healthcare.

The projects consist of preventive and/or educational activities on health topics aimed at community-based groups.

The project will work with civil servants, health related organisations – including NGOs, educational and research institutions operating in healthcare area. The project is likely to contribute to the National Health Program 2016+ and other Polish mid-term strategies.

How will it be achieved?

• The programme focuses on developing new models for health governance and testing these at district (“Powiat”) level through pilot projects.

• The programme foresees the development of a cross-sectoral strategy for reducing social inequalities in health, and the provision of training in public health.

• In addition, the programme will implement community-based health promotion and disease prevention programmes.

Who can apply for funding?

The call is aimed at local government level (“Powiats”)


Partnership with institutions from Poland and/or Norway is encouraged. The donor programme partner is the Norwegian Directorate of Health (HDIR). Norway has successfully addressed inequalities in health and can share its expertise.


The total allocation available within NFM grants and the Polish state budget is PLN 64 944 036  i.e. EUR 15 423 206.

The minimum project value (total project eligible costs) is PLN 1 263 240 i.e. EUR 300 000

The maximum project value (total project eligible costs) is PLN 4 210 800 i.e. EUR 1 000 000


The call for proposals will last till the 2nd of June 2014. 

Read the full description of the call text

Predefined project titled "reducing social inequalities in health"

Public health initiatives