Reaching out to vulnerable groups in Romania

Funding is now available for projects that will ensure that more children are enrolled in pre-school education, fewer school drop-outs and a better understanding of the need for education both among Roma and non-Roma families.


One in two children and youth in Romania are living at risk of poverty, and are often the most affected by cuts in spending. The Roma population is particularly vulnerable, as they are often living in deprived communities with poverty levels far higher than the national average. The EEA Grants have allocated €22 million to a programme aiming to improve the situation of children and youth at risk and has a particular focus on Roma. The activities financed by the programme will contribute to reduction of social and economic disparities that are separating vulnerable groups from the rest of society.

Better access to education

The first call for project proposals under this programme has now been launched and support is given to projects focusing on:

  • Improving access to formal and non-formal education of children and youth at risk living in rural and small urban areas with a significant Roma population.

The projects are expected to result in among others more children participating in pre-school education, fewer children and youth dropping out from school and raised awareness about the need for education among Roma family members and local communities.

The total allocation for this call is €5 176 471 (small grants scheme).

Improving the situation of children and youth

Two additional calls under this programme support projects focusing on:

  • Improving the well-being of vulnerable children, including Roma.

The projects are expected to result in among others more children participating in pre-school education, fewer children dropping out from school, prevention and reduction of the exploitation and the level of abuses and better prepared professionals involved in working with children at risk and social inclusion. The total allocation for this call is €7 058 823.

  • Improving the social and professional integration of youth at risk, including Roma

The projects are expected to result in among others improved chances for youth at risk  (including teenage mothers) to access education and the labour market, better prepared professionals involved in working with youth and social inclusion and raised awareness about the need for education among youth family members and local community in general. The total allocation for youth at risk is €5 705 882. 

The programme is operated by the Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF). The Council of Europe is involved as a partner in the programme contributing with its long standing experience and expertise on children and youth at risk and vulnerable groups including the Roma.

Who can apply for funding?

Romanian local authorities representing communities with less than 15 000 inhabitants can apply for funding under the small grant scheme.

Romanian public entities and NGOs can apply for funding under the calls for children and youth at risk.

Entities from the donor countries - Norway, Island, and Liechtenstein – that have knowledge and experience in their respective fields are eligible project partners. Local partnerships with Romanian NGOs and Initiative Group consisting of representatives of the local Roma population are also eligible project partners. 

More detailed information on the eligibility requirements and supported activities can be found in the call texts (see links below).

When is the application deadline?

The application deadline for the small grants scheme is 25 February, 2014.

The application deadline for both children and youth at risk is 10 March, 2014.

Visit the website of the programme operator for more detailed information about the calls.

Visit the EEA and Norway Grants website for more information on the ‘Children and Youth at Risk’ programme.