The video is a part of a “Stop Hate Speech” campaign run by the Stefan Batory Foundation, the NGO Fund Operator of the EEA Grants in Poland, and aims to tackle hate speech. Hate speech is a problem in Poland, and something Polish teens are particularly exposed to. The campaign was launched on 14 September 2015, and has already received international attention. For example, it was featured on CNN.
Study on hate speech
The video was prompted by an alarming study “Hate Speech in Poland” conducted in 2014 by the Polish NGO Programme. The study suggests that young Poles are becoming desensitized to hate speech, and thus more likely to accept hate speech to specify minority groups than adults. The key findings of the study indicates that nearly two-thirds of young Poles have come into contact with hate speech online, with roughly the same among encountering verbal hate speech from their peers or on the street.
The study was conducted for the Stefan Batory Foundation by the CBOS Research Center and based on sample groups of 653 Poles aged 16 to 18, and 1007 adults.
Read more about the Polish 'Funds for non-governmental organisations' programme