Polish NGO programme attracts wide interest

Close to 2 000 applications were submitted in the first call for project applications in the Polish NGO programme. 


Worth €37 million, the EEA Grants NGO programme in Poland is the largest of the NGO programmes in all the beneficiary countries of the Grants. €9.5 million has been made available in this first call for proposals to fund projects related to civic participation, children and youth, countering exclusion and discrimination and strengthening public scrutiny. The first stage selection is expected to take place by 2 December 2013.

A lot done - a lot left to do

In Poland, while there have been positive developments within civil society in recent years, challenges still exist. Reports from the Bertelsmann Stiftung Foundation highlight that Polish civil society traditions remain relatively weak.

The NGO programme provides an important source of funding to help strengthen the capacity of the sector, enabling NGOs to continue their vital role in pushing for more social justice, more tolerance and greater engagement of citizens in public life.

More information on the selection process can be found on the website of the programme operator - The Stefan Batory Foundation.  

Read more about the Polish NGO programme here.

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