Open call for Polish-Norwegian research projects

Poland has launched an open call for proposals under the joint Polish-Norwegian research programme. This is funded as part of the Norway Grants contribution to Poland for 2009-2014. Applications may be submitted until 30 November 2012.


The programme has been allocated €36.7 million with only one call for project proposals foreseen. The current programme builds on the extensive research cooperation between Poland and Norway in the previous funding period 2004-2009, but the thematic scope has been widened. The programme aims to enhance research cooperation between Norway and Poland and strengthen research capacity and application of research results.  

Collaboration established under the programme should also pave the way for collaboration in other schemes, such as the EU’s new Horizon 2020 flagship programme for research and innovation.

What thematic areas are covered?

Both applied research and basic research projects are eligible. Proposals may be submitted within five thematic areas:

  • Environment
  • Climate change, including polar research
  • Health
  • Social sciences and bilateral relations, including issues of migration and the role of minorities
  • €3.5 million has been earmarked for research in the area of gender equality

The programme is managed by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) in Warsaw with the Research Council of Norway playing an advisory role and facilitating contacts with Norwegian research communities as the donor programme partner.

Who can apply for funding?

  • independent research institutes
  • universities and university colleges
  • research oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Projects have to be submitted by consortia comprising at least one Polish and one Norwegian entity. Applications and funding will be administrated by NCBiR.

What are the timescales?

The on-line submission system will be available for applicants from 29 September, with the deadline for submission of proposals 30 November 2012. Projects may be implemented from March 2013 to 30 April 2016.

A small grant scheme for research projects conducted by Polish female researchers in technical sciences has also been announced. The on-line submission system will be available from a later date as of 1 December 2012, with a deadline for applications of 31 January 2013. The total allocation earmarked for the Small Grant Scheme Call is €2.3 million (grants available of €50 000 to €100 000). 

Where can I find out more information?

Further information on how to apply, as well as information about the appraisal and selection procedure, is available in the open call text

For the period 2009-2014, Poland has been allocated €578.1 million from the EEA and Norway Grants. Read more about the priorities and programmes in Poland on the country page


Photo credit: Christophe Vander Eecken