Open call for NGO Fund-initiatives in Latvia

Projects in Latvia on civil society and support to social justice, democracy and sustainable development can now apply for funding.


Today, 27 November 2012, the Society Integration Foundation opens call for proposals with a total funding of €9.7 million.    

Who can apply?

Associations and foundations established in Latvia that are non-profit voluntary organisations, established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, acting for the public good, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organisations can apply.

Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway provide 95% of the funding through the EEA Grants, and Latvia 5%.

The objective of the NGO Fund is to strengthen civil society development and to provide support to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. The implementation is divided in two sub-programmes: NGO Activity Support Measure and NGO Project Measure

NGO Activity Support Measure

Objective: strengthen civil society in Latvia and support the activity of associations and foundations, building the institutional and human resources capacity of NGOs and providing financial support in order to ensure regular and long-term participation of NGOs in policy development, action policy initiatives and decision making processes.

Deadline for submission of the 1st part of project applications is 28 January 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery).

Total funding amount: €3,760,435

NGO Project Measure

Objective: promote increase of welfare, strengthen democratic values and respect for human rights in Latvia, providing financial support to projects implemented by NGOs in two areas of support: social sector activities and development of cohesive society.

Deadline for submission of micro project applications is 25 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery). The deadline for submission of the 1st part of medium and macro project applications is 11 February 2013 (post stamp), at 18:00 local time (hand-delivery).

Total funding amount: €3,299,782.60 EUR

You can find the call for proposals here.