New fact sheets on priority sectors

The FMO launches a series of new fact sheets to highlight the impact of the project support provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

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On 1 December, the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) launched a set of comprehensive fact sheets on the various priority sectors of the EEA and Norway Grants.
Close to 750 projects are now in implementation, and the online fact sheets ensure that all interested parties are informed about the initial impact of the €1.3 billion grant support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The fact sheets will be available for download on the website, run by the FMO.
So far, the FMO have developed five fact sheets for the priority sectors for environment and sustainable development, conservation of European cultural heritage, cross-border activities and regional policy, Schengen and the judiciary, as well as for the NGO funds. Further fact sheets, on the project support to the sectors for health and childcare, academic research, and human resources, are in the pipeline and will be published within few weeks.

The fact sheets provide an overview of the different types of projects supported within each sector, give summary information on the grants by country, highlight best practices and feature stories on partnership projects and projects from the 15 beneficiary states.

Download the fact sheets here:

•u0009Environment and sustainable development
•u0009Conservation of European cultural heritage
•u0009Cross-border activities and regional policy
•u0009Schengen and the Judiciary