The EEA Grants are providing €6,340,000 to the NGO Programme in Greece. The Programme is to be implemented over the next three years and aims at strengthening civil society development in the country.
Applicant entities must be independent of government and registered in Greece, with strong ties to the country’s NGO sector and proven experience in grant-making. The bid may be submitted by one single entity or by a consortium of two or more entities.
The budget for the development and management of the NGO Programme is between €634,000 and €824,200. These amounts include management costs (maximum 10 % of the total eligible cost of the programme) and funds for capacity building.
The successful organisation will be contracted directly by the FMO.
The Terms of Reference include information about the work to be carried out and the responsibilities of the Fund Operator. Please note that no application form is available, all items included in Section 6, Content of bid, of the ToR must be provided.
The deadline for submission of bids is 16:00 (Brussels time) 15 May 2013.
A copy of the signed bid should also be sent in electronic format to:
Please send a duly signed hard copy of your application by registered post to:
Patrizia Brandellero
Civil Society Coordinator
Financial Mechanism Office
12-16 Rue Joseph II
1000 Brussels
Please direct any questions to Patrizia Brandellero, Civil Society Coordinator, (Financial Mechanism Office), +32 2 211 18 12.
Candidate selection will take place by the end of May 2013.
Your bid must be submitted in compliance with the following documents:
Contract documents
Greece NGO Programme - Terms of Reference (This is the correct version, not the one appearing before 3 April 2013)
Rules on procurement of Fund Operator
Budget template (Please note that the budget template has to be filled in and submitted with the bid)
General background
Template of Programme Agreement on implementation of the NGO programme in Greece
Regulation on the EEA Grants 2009-2014
NGO Programme Guidelines
Information and publicity requirements
Overview of programme area 10
Standard indicators-PA10
Bilateral guideline
Bilateral indicators