Invitation to Tender for Communication and Design Services

The Financial Mechanism Office (FMO), the secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants, is seeking a service provider that can contribute to a successful and consistent profiling of the grant schemes and the donor countries at European level.

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The FMO intends to enter into a framework agreement with a communication and design service provider for communication deliverables in a two-year period – 2017-2019 with a possibility of a two-year extension.

The successful tenderer will need to have sufficient in-house capacity and expertise to deliver the design and lay-out of an annual report every spring, including an online interactive version.

The EEA Grants and Norway Grants represent financial contributions from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing social and economic disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthening bilateral relations with the 16/15 countries benefiting from the Grants.[1]

The scope of the framework agreement includes the development of reports and publications, promotional material such as brochures, leaflets and banners, and graphic design elements for web and social media as well as other services, (see Terms of Reference).

All communication material will graphically be based on the official Communication and Design Manual of the EEA Grants and Norway Grants. This will be revised and finalised spring 2017.

The FMO reserves the right not to select any of the submitted tenders

The deadline for submitting tenders is 13 January 2017 at 12:00 (Brussels time).

Tenders should be submitted to:

Lillann Weggersen, Head of Communication


Rue Joseph II, 12-16

1000 Brussels, Belgium

Questions should be directed to:

Eva Thora Karlsdottir


Phone: +32 22 11 18 61

All relevant questions with answers will be published anonymously on

You can find more detailed information in the Invitation to Tender, Terms of Reference and other documents below: 

Invitation to Tender - Communication and Design Services

Attachment 1 - Terms of Reference 

Attachment 2 - Draft Framework Agreement 

Attachment 2.1 - Annex A Instructions on invoicing of travel related expenses

Attachment 2.2 - Annex B Daily Subsistence Allowance

Attachment 3 - Price Matrix Form

Questions and Answers

Communication and Design Services tender - Q&A

[1] For the 2009-2014 Financial Mechanism period there are 16 beneficiary states: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal and Spain. Spain is no longer eligible for funding in the 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism period.