Through the EEA and Norway Grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing disparities in Europe and to strengthening bilateral relations with 15 countries in Central and Southern Europe.
The FMO seeks to develop a unified and centralised multisite platform for the EEA and Norway Grants to replace over 100 independent websites managed by National Focal Points (NFPs), Fund Operators (FOs) and Programme Operators (POs) across the Beneficiary States. The project aims to create a new and centralised approach to the Grants' current network of websites.
The goal is to ensure consistent branding, enhance user experience, improve integration with existing Grants’ systems, and streamline communication efforts, compliance, and oversight.
The project includes the full development, deployment and launch of a multisite platform for the EEA and Norway Grants’ websites, as well as maintenance, support and further development tasks for a period of up to seven years, with the possibility of extension as described in the contract.
The deadline for submission of bids is: 14/03/2025 at 12:00 Brussels Time
Questions as to the procurement or documents must be e-mailed to The questions and answers will be shared in this article (see below), without disclosing names or other confidential information regarding the persons or companies raising the question. Questions asked less than 5 working days before the tender deadline might not be answered before the tender deadline.
You can find more detailed information in the Terms of Reference and Tender instruction documents below:
- Invitation to tender - Multisite development and maintenance
- Specification and requirement list - Multisite development and maintenance
- Price form - Multisite development and maintenance
- Contract for the development and maintenance of a multisite platform
- Annex III - Instructions on Invoicing of travel-related expenses 2021
- Annex IV-DSA-rates-2024
- Annex V - Use of subcontractors
Download all the documents in .zip
Questions and answers related to the invitation to tender
Q: How will we receive the branding guidelines? Are the guidelines already optimized for web use, accessibility, etc?
A: The branding guidelines will be provided to the contractor. They follow EEA and Norway Grants' design standards and include key elements like logo use, typography, color palette, and imagery. While they align with general web and accessibility best practices, any necessary web-specific optimizations should be discussed during implementation.
Q: Are EEA and Norway Grants one branding?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it correct to assume we need to make a design of the following things?
The multisite platform
An example website (+ all its building blocks and components)
A: The contractor must design and develop the multisite platform, including the CMS/backend, required integrations, and functionalities outlined in the tender. Additionally, the project includes the design and implementation of the front-end sites, including the main site and the standardized template used across NFP, PO, and FO levels.
Q: Are we right in assuming that the transmission of anonymised CVs from the team is sufficient?
A: For CV submission, we require names to be included. However, all personal information will be deleted after the assessment process, and no names will be shared with external parties.
Q: Regarding the ‘Price list’:
• are we requested to submit it in excel format or in PDF?
• In case it should be submitted in PDF, does it have to be signed?
In case it should be submitted in PDF, does it have to be signed?
A: Please submit your price list in excel form. Should you wish to submit in PDF as well for notoriety purposes, this is fine.
Q: Regarding the submission email-message:
• Is there a mailbox limit that our submission email should adjust to?
• In case our submission files overpass the mailbox limit, our understanding is that we should send additional numbered email-messages ie 1/X, 2/X.. X/X etc.
A: The mailbox limit for submissions is 20MB. For larger file submissions, bidders may send multiple numbered email messages (e.g., 1/X, 2/X, … X/X) to ensure all documents are received.
We do not have any requirements regarding the exact submission format of the bid. Ideally we would like all documents in a single email, but as long as there is no unclarity as to whether the documents were finalised and submitted before the deadline for the submission of bids, and that they were not later changed, we can also accept cloud storage solutions if one or multiple emails does not work.
Q: How frequently is the content on the main site and its subsites updated? Is real-time indexing crucial, or would periodic updates be sufficient? Are there peak activity periods or high volumes of data that need to be considered to ensure optimal performance?
A: Real-time indexing is not explicitly required in the tender but could be considered a value-added feature in the assessment of the quality of the bid. The platform must efficiently handle frequent updates, particularly for news, reports, and funding calls, without compromising performance. Additionally, the system should be optimized to manage higher traffic expected during the launch phase.
Q: Do you already have a Mailchimp account for each site? Or is there a single mailchimp for all accounts?
A: The FMO has a Mailchimp account for the main site. For subsites used by NFPs and FOs, each should have the option to set up or integrate their own Mailchimp accounts or any other email marketing platform if they choose to use this functionality. This is an optional feature for them.
Q: We assume analytics data from site A can't be accessed by an elevated role of site B, am i correct?
A: The main site should have access to all analytics data across the platform. However, subsites should only access their own analytics and must not see data from the main site or other subsites.
Q: Registration: do we only have to get the form / to capture a lead? Or is there a need for a login area?
A: We primarily foresee lead capture, such as registration for workshops, events, and seminars. A login area is not a core requirement.
Q: What is the baseline traffic (pageviews / month), bandwidth (GB or TB / month) and disk size for resources (images, file uploads, ...) we need to take into account combined for all sites? If not available, can we provide a default based on similar use-cases and best practices?
A: Exact baseline metrics are not specified, but the platform must be scalable to accommodate moderate traffic increases and additional subsites while maintaining performance and reliability. Most media will be stored in the media library, though users are not restricted to using it exclusively. Large uploads are not currently anticipated within the multisite solution, but the system should allow flexibility to scale if needed.
Q: In the price form sheet, we see different SLA tiers (basic, standard, extended and premium). The basic tier will require less effort than e.g. the premium tier, how should we interpret this?
A: The SLA tiers define different levels of support and effort based on the number of included support points (effort days). Higher tiers provide more support hours, faster response times, and additional services. The contractor should scale effort accordingly based on the selected tier while ensuring all minimum requirements are met.
Q: We like to avoid reinventing the wheel, so we would like to ask you if your current projects have any existing php code for the connections with GrACE or Digizuite? And can these be shared with us, so we can asses the re-usability of it?
A: There is no existing PHP code for GrACE or Digizuite integrations. The contractor will need to develop the necessary connections based on the provided API documen
Q: Can you give us more insights into the GrACE data architecture? An annotated EER would be of great help to understand what parts of GrACE needs to be integrated.
A: The contractor will need to collaborate with the GrACE development team to understand the necessary integrations based on the available API documentation.
Q: To help us establish the complexity of events, could you indicate if we are talking about single day events, multi day consecutive events or multi day non consecutive events?
A: Single-day and multi-day consecutive events are foreseeable. We expect the contractor to propose a flexible solution that can accommodate various event formats efficiently.
Q: If a training is to be given on-site. Where do these need to happen? In Brussels, Geneva, Luxemburg or other places?
A: If on-site training is required, it will take place either in Brussels or in the Beneficiary States, depending on our needs.
Q: How is the decision structure for the platform on your end? Will we have a SPOC that can make decisions on their own? Or do we need to take into account more people when decisions about the scope of the platform are to be taken?
A: Decisions will involve multiple stakeholders, so the contractor should expect a collaborative approval process rather than a single point of contact. However, a primary contact person will be designated to facilitate communication and streamline decision-making.
Q: We assume that it is a hard requirement to have the gathered website analytics data be physically stored on servers in the European Union. Is that correct?
A: Yes, website analytics data must be stored on servers within the EEA to comply with EU data protection regulations.
Q: When synchronizing valuable content from a localized site to the main website, do you consider only the english version of the content to be synched, since that’s (most likely) the shared language across all websites? When sharing content across multiple sites, do you want the content to become part of the content of the main website, or would the content from another website be referenced and the user redirected to the origin website? Or could it be a combination, depending on the type of content?
A: Yes, only the English version of localized content should be synchronized with the main website
Content sharing approach: This can be a combination, depending on the content type.
Q: Will all (sub)sites share the same functionalities, or will some require a more limited feature set? If so, which features might vary between them?
A: All subsites will share the same core functionalities, but some may require a more limited feature set. The specific variations are not predefined and will be determined in collaboration with the contractor based on site needs.
Q: Do you already use a service management / support desk / knowledge base tool? If so, which tool(s) do you use? Based on past experience in other projects, we assume that you want to have a high level of freedom in using the tool (e.g. adding guests users, defining roles, mentioning collaborators,..). Which level of freedom is required?
A: We do not have a predefined service management, support desk, or knowledge base tool specified in the tender. The contractor should propose a suitable solution that allows for flexibility in user management, including guest users, role definitions, and collaborator mentions, ensuring effective support and knowledge sharing.
Q: How many users need access to the service management / support desk / knowledge base tool?
A: Access will be required for FMO staff, NFPs, FOs, and POs, meaning a moderate number of users across multiple Beneficiary States.The exact number of users is not predefined, but it is expected to be around 250. The contractor should propose a scalable solution that allows for role-based access management as needed.
Q: Number of production environments (live environments)?
A: The tender does not specify a set number of production environments, but the production environment will consist of at least 30 websites, including the main site and subsites for Beneficiary States and programmes. The platform must support a scalable and centralized multisite setup to ensure seamless management across all sites.
Q: Typical (average) number of non-production environments required per production environment, e.g. dev, test, UAT etc?
A: The contractor should propose the appropriate number of non-production environments based on best practices.
Q:Per month number of requests the production environments generate (http / https requests)?
A: Exact HTTP/HTTPS request numbers are not provided. Historically, the main site has peaked at just over 1 million page views per year, with significantly lower traffic in Beneficiary States.
Q: Per month bandwidth the environments generate (TB)?
Monthly bandwidth usage is not specified and should be estimated based on expected platform traffic and media usage.
Q: Is a CDN required?
A: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is not explicitly required, but the contractor should propose a solution that ensures optimal performance.
Q: Is a WAF required?
A: A WAF (Web Application Firewall) is not explicitly required but may add security value. The contractor can suggest an approach.
Q: What is the cache ratio at the CDN level (if applicable)?
A: CDN cache ratio is not specified, and the contractor should propose an optimized caching strategy if a CDN is included.
Q: Storage requirements (per site if possible)?
a. Database size in GB
b. File storage size in GB
A: Storage requirements per site are not detailed:
Database size: Not specified, should be scalable.
File storage size: Not specified, depends on integration with Digizuite for media management.
Q: How much memory does your memcached / redis cache currently use? (if applicable)
A: No specific cache usage is mentioned in the tender. The contractor should suggest a caching approach.
Q: Guaranteed Uptime for production environments (99.9% or 99.95%)?
A: The tender requires a minimum uptime guarantee of 99.85% for the production environment. The contractor must ensure high availability, redundancy, and disaster recovery measures to maintain this standard. The tender does not specify any projects requiring 99.99% uptime, but the contractor should propose a reliable and scalable solution to meet the platform's needs.
Q:Used Frameworks and versions if possible (e.g. Drupal, NodeJS)?
A: The tender does not mandate specific frameworks or versions but suggests solutions like WordPress Multisite, Drupal, or Sanity - to name a few.
Q:Any non-standard integrations or tech requirements (e.g. SOLR, ElasticSearch)?
A: Non-standard integrations required:
Digizuite (Digital Asset Management system)
GrACE (Grants Management System)
Q: Any special data sovereignty requirements (own cluster)?
A: No specific data sovereignty requirements beyond ensuring hosting within the EEA.
Q: What is the approximate traffic volume of the websites?
A: The tender does not specify exact traffic data, but the platform must be scalable to accommodate expected usage. Historically, the main site has reached a peak of just over 1 million page views per year, while traffic in Beneficiary States has been lower.
Q: Requirements 3, 5 and 19 mention the creation of localized content, support for multiple languages across the frontend and multiple languages used across all sites. How many languages in total do you expect the multisite to support?
A: . Each Beneficiary State is expected to support at least two languages (national language + English). With 15 NFPs, the estimated total is 16 languages, but the platform must be scalable for additional languages if needed.
Q: With reference to requirement 2, what are the specific design expectations for the UI/UX beyond modern and visually appealing?
A: The UI/UX must ensure branding consistency, intuitive navigation, accessibility compliance and responsive design across all devices.
Q:With reference to requirement 2, should the expected look and feel of the multisite platform be aligned on the current FMO's website UI and branding?
A: The current website follows the branding guidelines but does not impose any design constraints on the new platform.
Q: Regarding requirement 41: will FMO provide their existing ITSM solution that we would need to integrate with, or are we expected to propose and implement our own helpdesk solution as part of our tender?
A: The tender does not mention an existing ITSM solution, so the contractor is expected to propose and implement a suitable helpdesk solution.
Q: The requirement 41 mentions that the Helpdesk should "Be accessible by all users for initial queries and issue reporting": what type of channels should be setup to ensure accessibility, in other words is telephony required, is an online chat acceptable? What are the timeframe and time zone requirements for helpdesk operations?
A: The helpdesk must be accessible to all users but the tender does not specify required channels. Solutions like online chat, ticketing systems, or email-based support are likely acceptable. Telephony is not explicitly required. Timeframe and time zone expectations are not detailed but should align with European business hours.
Q: Requirement 42 mentions that the SLA should include "Maximum response times for support". What response times is the FMO targeting for critical, high priority, medium priority, and low priority tickets?
A: The SLA must include maximum response times for support, but the tender does not specify exact timeframes. The contractor should propose an approach based on best industry practices, ensuring timely resolution of critical, high, medium, and low priority issues.
Q: When talking about 'platform shall enable easy sharing of content to social media' requirement 13, do you mean publishing to your social media accounts or do you mean that others can easily share a page of your platform on social media? Which social media platforms need to be supported and prioritised?
A: The requirement refers to both:
- Publishing to our social media accounts from the platform.
- Allowing users to easily share pages from the website to their own social media.
The priority platforms are Facebook, LinkedIn and Bluesky. Others may be considered based on feasibility and added value.
Q: Is there a definitive list of content types with fields that certainly need to be included in the multisite platform?
What tagging and taxonomy options should be required?
A: The tender does not provide a definitive list of content types and fields, but the platform must support customisable content types.
For tagging and taxonomy, the platform must include a structured system for categorising and organising content, supporting hierarchical taxonomies and custom tagging to improve navigation and searchability.
Q: Which version of Digizuite DAM center are you currently using? As the link shared is for 5.4. If you aren't on the latest version are you planning to upgrade during the contract? And should be accounted for in our offer?
A: Currently the FMO is using the 5.4 DAM. We are currently in the process of evaluating the benefits of updating to a newer version prior to the start of the development of the multisite.
Q: Is requirement 15 about “pageviews”, “amount of visitors”, and other website analytics related metrics, or is this requirement about “site performance” in the context of website speed? (we assume website related metrics, but want to confirm)
A: Requirement 15 is specifically about website analytics metrics, including pageviews, visitor numbers, and other user engagement data.
Q: Is it OK to implement a tracking solution and have the reporting be within that external tool/solution, or is it a hard requirement to have the reports and metrics visible WITHIN the CMS itself?
A: It is not a hard requirement to have reports and metrics visible within the CMS itself. An external tracking solution with reporting capabilities is acceptable.
Q: Based on the available info (requirement list + information on the example websites), are the following assumptions correct?
- the number of domain names that will point to the Platform is between 100 and 200 (based on over 100 sites mentioned in the requirements)
- SSL management should be part of the platform / infrastructure (based on the fact that the current sites have various providers for SSL certificates)
A: The platform will have one main domain, with 15 NFP (country sites) as subdomains, where programme pages will be subpages within those subdomains. Additionally, FOs (Fund Operators) pages will also be subdomains under the main domain.
Yes, SSL management should be part of the platform/infrastructure, ensuring HTTPS enforcement across all domains and subdomains.
Q: What are the expectations of the included newsletter tools in the platform? Especially as it is mentioned that Mailchimp is currently used as a marketing automation tool.
A: The platform must include newsletter functionality, allowing users to select content from the website for newsletters. This can be a built-in feature or a third-party integration.
Q: Do we need to foresee a subscription to or do you already have it and manage it yourselves?
A: We already have and manage a subscription, but the platform must support displaying social media feeds on the website.
Q: We understand that the entire project can be carried out remotely. Would any travel be required?
A: The tender does not specify any mandatory travel requirements, and the project can be carried out remotely. However, for the training phase, in-person sessions could add value by enhancing user adoption and ensuring effective platform onboarding.
Q: Do we assume correctly that GrACE will be the single source of truth in regards to the grants data and will GrACE also handle all business logic related to grants.
A: Yes, GrACE will be the single source of truth for grants data and will handle all business logic related to grants.
Q: Regarding the "launch" of the multisite mentioned in the specifications, could you clarify whether this refers to the site being fully developed and functional but without content, or if it includes the content as well? If the launch includes content, that would imply that the sites need to be ready significantly earlier to allow time for content population.
A: The "launch" refers to the platform being fully developed and functional, with all pages, structure, and content management features in place. However, content population will be handled by the users of the website, not the contractor. The system must allow users to publish and edit content, but the contractor is not responsible for adding the content itself.
Q: With reference to requirements 9, 14, 23, 25, 34 and 37 which mention two-way data exchanges, accurate data collection, metadata management, structured data support, safeguards against data breaches, data loss prevention and data protection: could you please clarify which specific standards the FMO follows for database management systems?
A: The tender does not specify a required database management standard, but the platform must ensure data protection, structured data support, and compliance with relevant industry best practices, standards and EU and national law (including GDPR where applicable).
Q: With reference to requirement 15 and 39 which mention the setup of monitoring and analytics for site performance, errors and resource usage, could you please clarify if the requirement is to have analytics functionality built directly into the CMS platform itself, or would you prefer an integration with external analytics tools (such as Google Analytics, Matomo, etc.) with customized dashboard implementations? If external tools are preferred, do you have existing analytics platforms that should be integrated, or should we propose suitable solutions as part of the bid?
A: The platform must include analytics tools for monitoring site performance, but the tender does not specify whether these should be built into the CMS or integrated with external tools. If external tools are used, they must be properly licensed and comply with relevant EU and national law.
Q: What type of translations would be needed apart form the platform at the front-end and administrative level, as well as the content section?
A: The tender only requires multilingual support for the front-end and content management system. No additional translation requirements are specified beyond ensuring the platform can handle multiple languages.
Q: Within those 7 years, in addition to platform update tasks, what estimated volume of hours is allocated for new developments? (For example, 1,000 hours per year).
A: The tender does not specify an exact number of hours allocated for new developments over the 7-year period.
Q: Does the support need to be at the infrastructure level or the development level?
A: Support is required at the development level, ensuring the platform's functionality, maintenance, and integration with third-party systems. Infrastructure-level support is not explicitly required within the tender.
Q: Can you please tell us the languages expected in the different countries? Do we provide the website in english and you translate it to the different languages? Or do you need us to do it?
A: The platform must support multiple languages, with each Beneficiary State expected to have at least two: the national language and English. The contractor is responsible for ensuring the platform supports multilingual functionality, but translation of content is not required.
Q: We assume that all sites will have the same look and feel except for maybe a logo. That also means that all functionality is shared across all sites. Are you in need of more customisation of look and feel on a per site basis?
A: Yes, the overall look and feel must be consistent across all sites, following the EEA and Norway Grants branding guidelines. However, some level of customisation per site is required, such as localised content, branding elements (logos), and potentially minor design variations. The platform must allow for this while maintaining overall visual and functional consistency.
Q: We assume the different sites won't have any sensitive data that would require to have a separate database per site. That means all sites could share the same database, unless you state otherwise.
A: There is no requirement for separate databases per site, so a shared database with proper access control is acceptable unless there is a need for specific technical or security considerations.
Q: Have you considered using a Marketing automation platform like Mautic instead of Mailchimp? Which is open source and where you own your own data.
A: The tender does not specify a preferred marketing automation platform. The requirement is for the platform to support newsletter tools and integration with platforms like Mailchimp. Contractors may propose alternative solutions, as long as they meet functionality, compliance, and data ownership requirements.
Q: Do you have the expectation that you can fully autonomously create a new site on the platform? We have this feature but it has a significant impact on the budget. We always advise to choose the pragmatic approach, which is a mix between automation and ad hoc interventions.
A: The tender does not explicitly require full autonomy in site creation, but the platform must support efficient multisite management. A pragmatic approach is acceptable, as long as it ensures scalability and ease of management while keeping costs reasonable.
Q: How will the ROI or the impact of the investment be evaluated in terms of operational efficiency and quality of the digital experience?
A: The tender does not specify a formal ROI evaluation framework. However, the selected solution must ensure long-term maintainability and compliance with the EEA and Norway Grants’ needs.
Q: Do you prefer the search solution to be cloud-based or on-premise, considering aspects like scalability, maintenance, and security?
A: The tender does not specify a preference for cloud-based or on-premise search solutions. The platform must ensure scalability, security, and ease of maintenance, aligning with the overall hosting requirements within the EEA.
Q: Should the administration tool be designed with a user-friendly, intuitive interface for non-technical users, or is a more technical option acceptable, assuming the administrators have advanced technical expertise?
A: The administration tool should be designed with a user-friendly, intuitive interface for non-technical users.
Q: Would the search solution include the ability to search within office documents (e.g., Word, Excel), PDFs, or any other format?
A: Yes, the search solution must support comprehensive search functionality, but the tender does not explicitly require searching within Office documents or PDFs. However, proposals that include advanced search capabilities may score higher in the assessment.
Q: With reference to requirement 8, is it possible to obtain the existing documentation for the GrACE API?
A: The existing GrACE API documentation is not provided in the tender. The contractor will need to collaborate with the GrACE development team to ensure integration.
Q:Requirement 9 states that the GrACE API "is currently being developed in an iterative manner", and that the contractor for the multisite tender should provide inputs/comments on its development. What are your estimations in terms of timeline for the finalization of the GrACE API documentation?
A: The timeline for finalising the GrACE API documentation is not specified, as development is ongoing. We expect the initial API to be ready in the end of April.
Q: With reference to the above-mentioned requirement 9, could you precise your expectations as to the extent of the contractor's involvement in GrACE API design decisions?
A: The contractor is expected to provide inputs/comments on the GrACE API development, ensuring compatibility with the multisite platform.
Q: With reference to the above-mentioned requirement 9, how would potential misalignments between the multisite platform development schedule and the GrACE API development schedule be handled?
A: Potential misalignments between the multisite platform and GrACE API development will be addressed through collaboration and iterative adjustments, ensuring seamless integration without delaying core platform functionalities.
Q: Regarding requirement 1 which mentions building "a multisite platform (e.g. WordPress Multisite, Drupal, Sanity or similar)": would the FMO consider enterprise-level licensed CMS/DXP platforms that are not open source as part of the solution, such as commercial offerings like Sitefinity or Sitecore?
A: Yes, enterprise-level licensed can be considered if they meet all functional, security, and compliance requirements outlined in the tender.
Q: With reference to requirement 25, which two-factor authentication mechanisms are expected by the FMO?
A: The tender does not specify a preferred two-factor authentication mechanism. The platform must support industry-standard 2FA methods.
Q: What data will be received from GraCE? What data should be sent from Web Analytics to the GraCE platform?
A: GrACE will have an API for the data that needs to be presented on the multisite. It will be simple text (not multimedia), for example names of counties and organisations, project descriptions, etc. Regarding the data sent from Web Analytics to GrACE, we would expect data such as (not exhaustive list): Users & Sessions, Page views & unique page views, Click-through rate, Broken links & error pages, top pages,...). The exact data transfer needs will be discussed with the selected bidder during the design phase.
Q: What is the priority level for integrating with third-party tools such as marketing tools, analytics, and DAM systems?
A: Integration priority varies: High priority for EEA media library and GrACE grants management system, ensuring seamless compatibility. Medium priority for analytics and marketing tools, with flexibility in implementation.
Q: What is the estimated total number of users who will be using the system?
A: The exact number of users is not predefined, but it is expected to be around 250. The platform should be designed to accommodate a large and scalable user base, considering multiple teams across different entities.
Q: Could you provide details on the expected user profiles (e.g., administrators, content editors, viewers, etc.)?
A: The expected user profiles are limited to those outlined in the tender requirements, with role-based permissions ensuring appropriate access levels. Any additional roles or customisations would need to be discussed and aligned with the agreed specifications.
Q: Is it anticipated that the solution will need to scale significantly in terms of traffic and the number of subsites?
A: The platform must be scalable, but significant growth is not anticipated. It should be able to handle moderate increases in traffic and the number of subsites while maintaining performance and reliability.
Q: Are there growth projections for the medium and long term, and can you share relevant web analytics or traffic statistics?
A: There are no specific growth projections outlined in the tender. While the platform must be scalable, significant growth is not anticipated. No web analytics or traffic statistics are available for sharing.
Q: Are there any budget expectations or constraints we should consider when proposing the solution?
A: The tender does not specify a predefined budget or financial constraints. However, all proposals will be assessed on the price of the offer and it is therefore strongly recommended that tenderers meet the requirements while ensuring cost-effectiveness.
Q: Does the client prefer an open source solution with lower initial costs, or are they willing to invest in a premium commercial solution if it results in greater robustness and support?
A: The tender does not specify a preference between open-source or commercial solutions. The proposed platform must meet all functional, security, and scalability requirements.
Q: Are there any restrictions or specific guidelines regarding the use of certain technologies or vendors?
A: The tender does not impose restrictions on technologies or vendors, but all solutions must comply with relevant EU and national law, accessibility standards and be hosted within the EEA. Integrations with GrACE and Digizuite are mandatory.
Q: Do you require that the solution be based on particular technological standards or specific frameworks?
A: No specific technological standards or frameworks are explicitly required, but the use of specific technologies of frameworks may be necessary to fulfil certain requirements.
Q: Does the EEA and Norway Grants have policies that require the use of pre-approved or pre-homologated tools or solutions?
A: No, we don't specify any requirement for pre-approved or pre-homologated tools or solutions. However, all proposed technologies must comply with our requirements, and accessibility standards. Additionally, integrations with GrACE and Digizuite are mandatory and must ensure seamless compatibility.
Q: How is the cooperation with FMO organised during the developing phases? Will there be an internal team of the FMO, who is continuously participating in the project? Or will each of the indicated project phases end with an approval of FMO? (If the latter is the case, what is planned for phase 5?)tor.
A: The cooperation with FMO will involve ongoing collaboration. There will be an internal team at the FMO, continuously participating in the project. Each development phase is expected to conclude with FMO approval to ensure alignment with requirements. Phase 5, focusing on maintenance and support, will involve continuous engagement to monitor performance, implement updates, and ensure long-term platform stability.
Q: What are the requirements regarding identity management and access control? Is it expected that the solution has native SSO integration or integration with external identity systems?
A:The platform must support role-based access control with distinct roles. It must also support two-factor authentication and SSO. The tender does not specify whether SSO should be native or integrated with external identity systems and the exact authentication method will be determined with the contractor.
Q: Will the documents to be presented in the bid such as a valid tax certificate, credit rating report, financial statement etc. need to be presented by the subcontractors as well?
A: The tender documents do not require that such documentation is submitted with the bid, but the FMO reserves the right to request such documentation at its own discretion during the assessment of the bids.
Q: What does the EEA refer to in requirement 31?
A: This requirement implies that the multisite platform and all data related to it must be hosted in one or more data centers located within the European Economic Area (which comprises the EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The tenderer must confirm that this will be complied with.
Q: We understand from the invitation to tender that "The tenderer must be legally registered in the EEA": could you please confirm whether this requirement still permits us to utilize non-European offshore locations for conducting parts of the work?
A: The tenderer must be legally registered in the EEA, and the multisite must be hosted within the EEA. The tenderer can further expect to be required to process all personal data within the EEA as part of the data processing agreement. With these caveats, the tenderer can utilize non-EEA locations to conduct part of the work.
Q: Could you please give more information about the selection criteria? We understood that performance is weighted higher than price. Can you give a concrete ratio?
A: The bid offering the best value for money will be chosen, based on an assessment of the quality and price of the bid as described in the invitation to tender. Quality will outweigh price, but at this stage we are not prepared to share a concrete ratio.
Q: Are there any formal requirements for Annex II (e.g.: format, length, etc.)? What should be the relationship between Annex II and the Specification and Requirement List?
A: As described in the invitation to bid, your tender should consist of at least the following documents:
- Solution proposal
- This should consist of the requirement list with the "Contractor response" column filled out by you, as well as the overall solution description as described in requirement 1.
- Price form
- Annex V: Use of subcontractors
- Documentation of fulfilment of qualification requirements
Annex II is not a separate document to be submitted by you. It will consist of the solution proposal and price form of the selected tenderer, and annexed to the contract.
Q: Project Timeline: Is the provided project timeline fixed, or is there flexibility for the contractor to propose a more realistic schedule based on its analysis, particularly regarding integration, testing, and potential unforeseen complexities?
A: As a starting point, the timeline should be regarded as fixed, and submitting a bid entails acceptance of the deadlines as they are described in the contract. However, only the deadlines for phases 4 and 7 are subject to liquidated damages in the event that they are not met, and as such these deadlines are more important than the others. If you believe that the division of time between the phases should be different (within the overall constraints), we invite you to highlight this in your bid.
Q:Should the search solution integrate with other systems or existing databases (e.g., CRM, internal repositories, external data, ...)?
A: No.
Q: Is it necessary for the solution to implement specific access controls for different user groups, ensuring that certain results or documents are restricted based on roles or permissions?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there any imposed criteria related to security or integration/interoperability with existing systems or platforms (for example, mandatory integration with internal tools), or compliance with rules and regulations, that might limit the choice of technologies?
A: The tender document specifies the applicable security and integration/interoperability requirements, as well as the description of what rules and regulations must be complied with. The tenderer must ensure that the choice of technology allows the multisite platform to comply with these and all other requirements.
Q: Would all independent contractors (who are not direct FTEs) be classified as subcontractors, regardless of whether they operate through a legal entity or as individuals?
A: All subcontractors that the tenderer intends to use to fulfil its obligations under the contract should be listed, regardless of their size.
Q: If an independent contractor must be listed as a subcontractor, does this require each of them to sign a separate agreement with FMO?
A: No.
Q: Are there any infrastructure constraints, such as a requirement for the system to be hosted within the EEA or to use specific cloud solutions?
A: Pursuant to the requirements in the tender documents, the platform must be hosted within the EEA.
Q: Is there any limitation regarding the adoption of open source technologies versus commercial solutions?
A: There are no specific requirements regarding the types of software license. However, please beware that the Contractor will be required to ensure and document that all software is properly licensed.
Q: How do you plan to segment or profile these users for access control and content personalization?
A: User segmentation and access control will be managed through role-based permissions, as specified in the tender.
Q: Are there any particular workflows or approval processes required for content editing and publication?
A: Yes, the CMS must include approval workflows for content publication, ensuring drafts can be reviewed and approved before going live. It should also support options like role-based permissions, content locking and version control to track changes and restore previous versions if needed. Specific workflows are not predefined but should be customizable to align with our needs.
Q: Will the backoffice require support for multiple translations to facilitate content editing in various languages?
A: Yes, the CMS must support multilingual content management and be able to handle content in multiple languages. While the tender does not explicitly require the back-office interface to be available in multiple languages, the system should facilitate content editing in various languages to accommodate the needs of Beneficiary States.
Q: What types of user profiles will be responsible for editing content, and what permissions should each profile have?
A: The CMS must support role-based permissions and allow for customization of roles and granular permission settings to ensure proper content governance.
Q: What are your expectations for the extensibility of the content editing interface through modules or plugins?
A: The CMS must support third-party integrations and have an API-first approach or a plugin/module system for extending functionalities.
Q: Are there any specific needs for permalink structures and custom URL configurations (for example, support for multiple URLs pointing to a main URL or SEO-friendly URLs)?
A: Yes, the platform should support SEO-friendly URLs and allow custom URL configurations. While the tender does not explicitly require multiple URLs pointing to a main URL, the CMS should enable URL customization to enhance navigation, searchability, and compliance with SEO best practices.
Q: What are your requirements regarding tagging and taxonomy? Should the platform support complex hierarchical taxonomies and custom tagging schemes?
A: Yes, the platform must support a taxonomy and tagging system to categorize and organize content for better navigation and searchability.
Q: Are there specific requirements for customizing content types (e.g., fields, layouts, templates)?
A: As described in the requirement list, the CMS must support customizable content types with different templates for various pages (for example news articles, events, case studies, standard pages, etc.). The tenderer should describe the content structuring capabilities of the CMS in the bid.
Q: How do you envision the process for content cross-publishing or sharing content between sites within the multisite platform?
A: There should be different levels of admin control. Higher-level admins should have the ability to manage content across multiple websites, including making it available for publishing by other admins on their respective sub-sites. They should also be able to publish content on the main website that was originally published on sub-sites.
Q: Regarding functionalities such as forms, event management, and newsletters, are there any examples or standards that must be met?
A: Not in addition to what is stated in the documents provided in the tender.
Q: Are there specific requirements for responsive design and user experience on mobile devices?
A: Not in addition to what is stated in the documents provided in the tender.
Q: Could you share the communication and design guidelines (brand manual) that the new platform must adhere to?
A: The Communication and Design Manual for the 2021-2028 is currently under revision.
For reference the last manual can be found here:
The new manual will be an updated version but it can be expected to resemble the previous manual to a large extent.
Q: Is there an existing content audit or mapping document that outlines the current content structure and any required transformations for the new platform?
A: No, there is no existing content audit or mapping document provided in the tender.
Q: Could you provide details on the process for collecting and migrating content from the existing 100 independent websites?
A: The contract does not cover content migration from the old websites. Should this become a question, it may be requested as an additional service from the Contractor, subject to the provisions in the contract on additional services.
Q: Are there specific localization requirements (e.g., date formats, currency, regional preferences) for each beneficiary country?
A: Yes, the platform must support localization, including multiple languages (typically the national language and English per country). While the tender does not specify requirements for date formats, currency, or regional preferences, the platform should allow for customization to accommodate local needs where relevant.
Q: What languages and how many sites must be supported initially and in the medium term?
A: The languages to be supported must at least be the official languages of the 15 Beneficiary States and English. The number of sites is described in an answer to another question.
Q: Are there any other critical systems or applications (e.g., CRM, ERP) that we should consider integrating with the new platform?
A: The requirement list provides the relevant information about the systems and applications which should be integrated with the multisite at the time of launch. As described in the list of requirements, the CMS must also support third-party integrations and the capability to extend its functionality through plugins/module systems etc. and the tenderer will be required to describe how the CMS will fulfil this requirement in its bid.
Q: What level of integration is required with the GrACE system and the digital library (Digizuite)? Are there documented APIs or integration examples available?
A: Please refer to the relevant requirements in the specification document, where this is described.
Q: Is there any reason for having August 25th as the deadline (e.g., legal issues, marketing commitments), and would you be open to a strategy where only the main site is operational by that date with the remaining sites being launched progressively during an evolution and maintenance phase?
A: The short deadline for the development of the multisite reflects the time at which our Beneficiary State stakeholders will be expected to require access to the multisite. As such, a fully functioning multisite platform with all capabilities and the possibility to establish websites of all categories will be required on 25 August. However, not all of the subsites will need to be completed and functional by that time. Some will indeed come later.
Q: What are the primary strategic objectives for the new multisite platform (e.g., improved user experience, centralized management, cost reduction)?
A: As described in the tender documents, the primary strategic objectives are harmonised branding, cost reduction, efficiency through central management and capabilities for harmonised campaigning.
Q: Could you specify the number of sites? and the estimated volume of views of these sites?
A: It is not possible to define the total scope of the multisite platform at this stage, but tenderers can expect it to contain at least the following:
- 1 top-level website covering the entire EEA and Norway Grants, managed by the FMO
- 15 Beneficiary State-level websites, managed by the entities responsible for the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants in the respective countries (National Focal Points), with sub-sections/pages for each Programme in that country, managed by the entities implementing those programmes (Programme Operators and Fund Operators)
- 16 web sites for the entities implementing the EEA Civil Society Fund in and across the 15 Beneficiary States (Fund Operators)
As defined in the requirements, the multisite platform should be scalable, to account for any changes to the number of sites as required.
Q: We understand that the user content management solutions should contemplate multi-domain, is this correct?
A: The tender does not explicitly require a multi-domain setup, but the best approach should be discussed with the contractor to determine the most suitable solution based on technical feasibility, governance, and branding consistency.
Q: Is there a preference for user consent management solutions?
A: We expect the tenderer to offer suggestions.
Q: Is there a preference for web analytics, tag management and dashboarding solutions?
A: The tender does not specify a preferred web analytics, tag management, or dashboarding solution. The platform must include analytics tools for site performance monitoring, but the choice of specific solutions is up to the contractor, as long as they meet the requirements.
Q:Regarding web analytics capabilities, in addition to the integration of reports into the platform, you expect us to help you with KPIs definition, data layer definition and dashboarding?
A: The expectation is that the platform includes analytics tools that allow site admins to monitor performance and access key metrics and reports. There is no requirement for the contractor to define KPIs, set up a data layer, or create dashboards beyond what is built into the platform. However, we are open to value-added services if relevant.
Q: Is a customised backend / cms interface required?
A: The CMS does not need to be customised specifically for the organisation, as long as it meets the requirements outlined in the provided terms.
Q: Is there already an analysis of the information and service needs for the new platform? Is there an information architecture for the standard site and a functional description of the required content and services?
A: At this stage no such analysis exists. We expect to develop this in cooperation with the selected provider early in the development stage.
Q: We understand that although it is a multisite platform, all the web assets that are published will be based on the same system of templates and components which, in turn, will be designed based on a single brand and brand book, is this correct?
A: This is correct.
Q: Can you provide a list of all national and programme/fund-specific websites under the EEA and Norway Grants?
A: The 100+ websites referred to in the tender documents consists of the FMO's website, the websites for the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants in each Beneficiary State and the programme-specific websites for the programmes being implemented in each country. Please note that as we are starting a new financing period, there will not be a 1-1 relationship between existing websites and the websites that will need to be established.
Find the list of Beneficiary States here:
On the country pages you will find links to their country- and programme-specific websites.
Here are some website examples:
NATIONAL FOCAL POINT WEBSITE (which includes pages for the Programme Operators)
FUND OPERATOR (often pages hosted on the organisation's main website)
Q: Is there a UX/UI design system to work on?
A: No there is not an existing UX/UI system to work on. The FMO Communication team will however provide guidance on design and bring learnings from the websites used in the previous funding period.
Q: Which languages do you need to support for the multilingual functionality?
A: The platform must support multiple languages, with each Beneficiary State expected to have at least two: the national language and English.
Q:Are there any exceptions or thresholds (e.g., percentage of contract value, role within the project) where a contractor can be considered a direct consultant instead of a subcontractor?
A: The FMO intends to only enter into one contract, and expects the Contractor to be responsible for all other entities that are required to fulfil its obligations under the contract.
Q: Would a contractual arrangement where they are engaged under our EU entity’s oversight (rather than as separate subcontractors) be acceptable?
A: We cannot give pre-assessments of the eligibility of contractors. However, it is important to underline that the platform must be hosted within the EEA and that personal data of citizens of EEA countries should not be processed outside the EEA. This must be taken into account when setting up the contractual and practical arrangements of the tenderer.
Q: We do not have an ISO 27001 certification. Does that mean we cannot apply?
A: Entities without an ISO 27001 certification may apply. Such entities should however provide documentation of how they fulfil the material criteria which would be required for such certification.
Q: Can entities outside of the EEA, for example based in the UK, qualify to bid for the project?
A: The Contractor must be registered as a legal entity in an EEA country and the multisite must be hosted in the EEA. Subcontractors from outside the EEA may be permitted, provided that personal data is not processed outside the EEA.
Q: Are joint ventures or consortia allowed to submit a bid, with a lead contractor taking overall responsibility, and are there any specific conditions or documentation requirements that consortium members must fulfil for the bid to be valid? Can qualification requirements such as the ISO 27001 certification be fulfilled by a subcontractor or consortium member?
The FMO expects to sign a contract with a single entity, acting as Contractor under the contract and taking on all the responsibilities described in the contract. However, the Contractor can assign parts of its responsibilities under the contracts to subcontractors. The qualifications and tasks assigned to such subcontractors should be documented in the bid, and will be taken into account when bids are assessed.
We cannot and will not perform any pre-assessment of the fulfilment of the qualification criteria, but we will take a pragmatic approach when assessing this. However, if a subcontractor is used to fulfil a qualification criteria, the contractual and actual relationship between the tenderer and the subcontractor must give the FMO satisfactory assurance that the quality and security of the services provided will be comparable to a situation where the tenderer itself fulfilled the qualification criteria.
Q: Is it possible to hand in a tender including 2 companies working together as partners in order to fulfil all requirements?
A: The FMO expects to sign a contract with a single entity, acting as Contractor under the contract and taking on all the responsibilities described in the contract. However, the Contractor can assign parts of its responsibilities under the contracts to subcontractors. The qualifications and tasks assigned to such subcontractors will be taken into account when bids are assessed.
Q: What invoicing practices are foreseen in the development phase and the maintenance phase?
Rules on invoicing and payment are found in Article I.5 of the contract.
For the development phase, a single invoice is foreseen, to be submitted after the successful launch of the multisite platform.
For the maintenance phase, annual invoices are foreseen. The first invoice, to be submitted after the launch of the platform, shall cover the remainder of 2025. Subsequently, invoices are to be submitted by 1 December each year, covering the following calendar year.
The FMO has 30 working days to approve the invoice, and another 30 working days to pay the amount due.
Q: I can’t find Annex I or Annex II in the list of files. Where can I find these?
A: The numbering of the Annexes has been aligned with the number they will have as annexes to the contract. Therefore Annex I and Annex II are not attached to the invitation to bid. As described in the invitation to tender and the contract, Annex I will be the invitation to tender and list of specifications (i.e. this document and this document), and Annex II will be the offer from the selected Contractor.
Q: There is no max bid price or minimum required experience and turnover of the contractor. Where can I find information about this?
A: We have not set a max bid price or a minimum required experience and turnover.
Q: The deadline is quite short. Can it be extended to give more time to prepare a bid?
A: Due to our internal timeline, no extension of the deadline is foreseen.