Invitation to Bid: Fund Operator for the Active Citizens Fund in Poland

The Financial Mechanism Office – the secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants – is seeking a Fund Operator to develop and implement the national EEA Grants programme for civil society in Poland 2014-2021 (the ‘Active Citizens Fund’). This is the invitation to bid.


Background information

The EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 represent funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reduce economic and social disparities and strengthen cooperation with 15 EU countries in Northern, Central and Southern Europe. For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of €2.8 billion has been agreed.

As described in article 3.2.b of Protocol 38c of the EEA agreement, funding shall be earmarked for support to civil society organisations in each of the 15 beneficiary states.

Programme allocation and objective

In Poland, the allocation to the Active Citizens Fund – National (the civil society programme at the national level) is EUR 30,000,000 (see Memorandum of Understanding).

The objective of the Civil Society Programme Area is: ‘Civil society and active citizenship strengthened and vulnerable groups empowered’. The Active Citizens Fund – National 2014-2021 in Poland shall seek to develop the long-term sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector, with the aim of strengthening its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights. More information on the objectives, principles, thematic areas of support and design of the programmes can be found in the Terms of Reference (see link below).


Submission of bid


The Fund Operator will be responsible for the development and implementation the Active Citizens Fund - National in Poland.

The Terms of Reference, Bid form and annexes are provided in the links below.

In line with the Terms of Reference section 5.3, the tender has been re-opened with an extended deadline. The new deadline for submission of bids is 1 September 2018 at 17:00 CET. 

Photographer: Adam Rostkowski


Please consult the Questions and Answers document, which provides comprehensive answers to questions already answered by FMO, which is available on the website. This document provides comprehensive answers to questions already answered by FMO, and will be continuously updated up until the end of the tender period (September 1). Any other questions can be addressed to the FMO at, or by phone (+32 470 691 038) from 09:00 to 16:00 CET each day until the tender deadline (1 September, inclusive).  Please specify your country and organisation when addressing your question to the FMO. Please note that in order to ensure transparency and equal treatment of bidders FMO cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of bidders, actions or specific activities and only the questions and answers published in the Questions and Answers document reflect the official position of the FMO.

Bid documents can be found here:

 Terms of Reference

  Annex A: Bid Form

  Annex B: Budget

  Annex C: Template Programme Implementation Agreement  

  Annex D: Suggested Outcomes and Outcome Indicators for the Active Citizens Fund

  Annex E: Manual for Fund Operators of the Active Citizens Fund

  Annex F: Reference documents, provided for bidder’s information (see Terms of Reference)